Originally posted by Rob-hin
LMAO Beldin!
It takes me back to diving lessons!
Ok, real life question here.
What should I do and don't when my girlfriend steps into my car for the first time?
Lets see...
1) DON'T leave anything in the car that you don't want to be found. (i.e. the panties of your last date, the porn mags of your older brother, photos of your ex- GF) ... so CLEAN OUT !
2) DON'T point out the features and/or technical specifics of the car UNLESS SHE ASKS . Don't bore her to tears while explaining WHY your engine is so much better then the same engine from 2 years earlier...
3) DO open the door for her, even if she seems capable of doing it herself. Girls dig attention. By opening the door for her you PLEASE her AND make sure she doesn't scratch your door with her jewelery.
4) DO clean the saftey belt on her side - especially if it hasn't been used for some time. Those b***rds seem to go out and CATCH dirt ! It would put a serious dampener on your relationship if her new bright summer dress has an ugly black stripe running across her - ahem -
5) DO turn down the volume on your Stereo. Girls LIKE to talk in the car, and you WON't really impress her with your 4 x 2500 Watt speakers...you'll drive her away .
6) DO keep some blanket neatly folded (and clean) in the trunk or the backseat - just in case she decides to "go and see the stars on the hilltop" - you DON'T want to spend the rest of the evening with wet and dirty trousers.
7) DON'T swear while driving. I know you do it all the time when on the road, 'cause EVERYONE does it. Just DON'T do it while she's with you. Play it "cool" and impress her with your
responsible and lofty attitude on the road.
8) DON'T run over any animals. Just DON'T do it.
9) DON'T fondle her anatomy while driving. You'll get sidetracked and might even crash the car.
10) DON'T hand her the keys unless you ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY TUST HER to pay for the following damage.
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