I first noticed this around level 9 or 10 when I had to reload between levels due to a run-in with a nasty electrical trap. Anyway, the first time I had leveled, it listed my hit points gained as something like 12, but when I tried it the second time, they were listed as only 7 points gained.
So I got to thinking, if you continuously re-roll your level up hit die, you could essentially always be gaining dx hit points, where x corresponds to your class (10 for fighters, 12 for barbs, etc...) plus your constitution modifier, plus your intelligence modifier (not too sure about this one), plus any other modifiers like the toughness feat.
It did the math and figured that my fighter chick could be scoring 1d10 + 2 + 1 hp per level.
Damnit, I wish I'd noticed this before!!!
So I went back (being a powergamer and all...
Then I gave up and decided that it wasn't worth it and that I'd powergame later after I figured everything out and knew how to build the uber character...
So can anyone confirm this? Is it true that you can be making the most of your hit die?