at 2.5 million xp, you get abmushed by vanhelsing, faith, kendra and buffy...all undead hunters, and packed with some of wes's fav tricks...
protection from undead....use remove magic....
they each summon a planetar...use image to summon several yourself...
and they are good people, just need to be swacked so you can keep the best npc ever!!!
good people???
yes, i dropped from 15 rep down to 1 after killing them....
so here is what i did to keep yoshimo, (no heart yet) and kelcy...i was clearing the thieves guild for bodhi, and i setup the ambush in the quarters above the guildmasters lair....
location is all important, as you will see....
i surrounded valen with snares by yoshimo, and summoned 4 evil planetars, i am neutral bun bun as usual...
used console to raise valen to 3 million, and they all appeared...chained abu and remove magic spells killed van helsing, and hurt everyone else...planetars swarmed the slayers, and killed them quick...if you cntrl q them you will see, like the typical wes creations they come in with every protection you can think of....killed them all, and before i got the "i am leaving" dialog from kelcy and yoshimo, grabbed entire party and ran for the ogma temple, running away from a group of pallys who come after you...made many donations, and rep was at 18..whew!!!!
valen is a fun gal, she is really cool as a assassin fighter multi, and what i did was to remove her +5 claws, gave to yoshi, and asked her to check them a second set, and now she dual wields....will give her super backstab dagger from item upgrade later....gave her a bunch of mislead scrolls for backstab festival....
hey wes, her innates under sk showed a bunch of standard bhaal powers, like the one u lose after spell hold with 0 spells memorized, like horror and cure light wounds...did you duplicate the cre file of a protagonist???
anyway, valen is a really cool npc to have around, and now you can take her with you even if you have tashia or other goody goody types...and even neutrals leave with rep 1...