Alright. Just on a spontaneous whim last night (And I still CAN NOT believe I did this!

) I went and bought myself a Playstation 2, and Dark Alliance to go on it.


My review: I only had an hour to play on it (It took me up until bed time to get the console hooked up) and I have to say, overall, it's quite fun. The graphics remind a bit of Neverwinter, but I like how easy it is to change views at will.
The preset charactors are not on my favorites list. I wanted to play a Druid, but had to stick with the Sorceress, Adrianna.
Set on normal mode, I was killed by large rats four times.
I'm still looking for one rat so I can continue on with the game (Where is that thing, Tibbs?!)
The controls are somewhat difficult to figure out, but when you do get them, the game is pretty easy to configure. Just remember that Square is universal action, X is attack, and you're in the clear.
May leave more of a Review later after I play it some more.