I normally loathe to post my opinions on subjects like this (I say this every time

), but to be truthful and completely honest, I support Bush's stance of military intervention in Iraq.
I was in the military during Desert Shield/Storm in the last decade...er...make that millenium

...and had a number of friends (and a brother-in-law) in the 24th Infantry Division, which is based at Ft. Stewart, Georgia. They were among the first units to go to that theater of operations. There is always a measure of press blackout necessary for security reasons - as hard as that may be to swallow - and so a number of conflict-realted occurrences were not reported to the public at large. One such occurance was sniper activity against the coalition forces. A number of other incidents occurred during the long wait they had to endure in the desert...which does not suggest a foe that was simply engaged in a sovereignity and territorial dispute.
That aside, I believe that the regime of Saddam Hussein has more than demonstrated it is worthy of international condemnation. As far as I was aware, US forces respected Coalition objectives during Desert Storm by halting at a designated area in Iraq...for the goal was not to occupy Iraq.
Is that the goal now? I am not sure. However, Saddam Hussein has certainly convinced me that he is very much the villian. As I have stated previously, I do not particularly like President Bush...but I support him in his decision, and I respect him for sticking to his guns, so to speak, despite public opinion polls. (I am sure that shall invite some flaming...flame away.
