ok, this is a blatant out and out attempt to harvest more ideas....lord mirrabo has said he might, i repeat might, do a anomen abuse mod after he finishes the imoen romance mod, tob portion.....thats at least half a year away, so dont hold your breath...
so i naturally started a anomen abuse thread in his forum, and i and other anoweenie haters have been posting good ideas and suggestions for things to do to this git....
this thread, here, is an out and out attempt to solicit good ideas, and pls post your good ideas for tortures for the git, sorry aqual chan, and i will post a link of this thread to his forum, thus he can take a look and use them on the mod....
to start things off, here is my absolute favorite torture i have yet to come up with....pls only inventive and funny cruelty....
i admit there are somethings even i wont do to him....but i would make myself do it as duty...
the polymorph to neeber scroll....
pc: oh cool a neato spell scroll, amazing this is the only thing demogorgon dropped....ok, i need to test this, anomen, step up and stand straight...
anomen: why oh why am i always the test subject???
pc: reads "polymorph to neeber" scroll...
zap!!!! flash!!!! boom!!!!
anomen: heya, do you think i am pretty???
anomen: heya, dont you think we should go out and be righteous?
anomen: heya, dont you think we should kill the genies? can i tell them we're gonna?
anomen: heya, do you think i have a nice butt....
anomen: heya, dont you think i have a nice body...(poses mr universe style)
pc: OMG!!!!! somebody kill me quick!!!
aerie: no, no, kill me!!! right now!!!!
immie: my eyes, oh my eyes!!!! aerie hit me with a mace!!! hard!!!!
see, some things are even too disgusting and vile even to do to him....