Sniveling git. Sucking up, eh?
Smilies of course, implicate sarcasm. I belong to a few other forums but I rarely visit them and have no contact or communication with the people/folks/vipers/etc. who reside in those in forums.
Other forums I belong to include: several gaming forums for the PC and console world and tekky forums where I am a member to share info with other network/programming folk. However, in each of those other forums I have met people (vipers as you call them) who are quick to lash out at others for whatever reasons. I am of the belief that such people are frequently picked on in real life and thus find their revenge in tormenting or belittling others who cannot pound them into a pulp because they are unseen, online.
A MtG forum, eh? Where abouts? I used to be a member at mtgnews and posted heavily back in the days of the Rath and Urza cycles, but alas, I rarely play now and am left with a useless mountain of cardboard worth a small fortune. Actually, as fate would have it, I am getting together with a few other old players and we're going at it typeI style. I am looking forward to playing timewalk, needless to say. Alas, I digress.
My real Internet personality is here, in the GB forums, because the lot of you have seen the most of me, in the realm of 1's and 0's.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.