Originally posted by Bloodmist
We get an average of our work in one term... So forgetting to turn in a project can crash your grade right down the drain.
Whats more, is that this isnt the first time that I havent done a project and it has lowered my grade. I did the same thing in 11th grade Chemistry. My bad. Then there were 3 other times where I didnt do a project, yet I weaseled my way into convincing the three teachers that I DID do the project, and managed to get a B-, a B+ and an A on projects that never existed. I have always been the honest person, eh?
Truly though, I am very embarrassed to have done such things, and I kind of changed my life around and made my morals clearer in 11th grade, and since then, I really find myself being more honest, and happier by the way I handle things morally. I guess thats why Im a law biding citizen, among a few other things. My morals are there and I am very strict about it. I even get angry at myself for running yellow lights.

(Though I still go a little beyond the speed limit, as everyone does here)