((This is probably a repeat post but im anxious to know what you think))
Ok so now we have 5 Baldur's Gate Engine games:
Baldurs Gate (Plu TotSC)
BAldurs Gate 2 (Plus ToB)
Icewind Dale (Plus HoW)
Icewind Dale 2
Neverwinter Nights
We have had about a year at least on each of them to settle in and play a couple of times each...so now what do we think is the best.
I often feel alone when I think NWN was really really bad, but the only good thing was the builder, and only when it was working and didn't shout ACCESS VIOLATION at me repeatedly.
Here is my list of Pros and Cons...let me see yours and let me find out if there is someone who feels the same way as me.
Excellent, deep and very interesting storyline
Wilderness areas...not present in any other of these games.
A good variety of things happening
Can be played 3 times over without any hint of boredom...as long as you dont use a walkthrough.
Lots of things you do have a repurcussion later (Kill hunter, get attacked etc)
Having a certain NPC in your party MEANS something (The warrior lady helps out in Flaming Fist Prison, Xzar in the magic shop)
A litte slow.
Casters never really become powerful enough...cant grow high enough.
6 discs
Confusing in parts on your first go (not the rules, the story)
Can ruin storyline and get a bit buggered in Durlag's tower (at least i did) without realising.
No rest button on main screen
Builds on a great story and makes amazing
Strongholds were an amazing idea
As was Watchers keep...a completely unrelated dungeon with another really deep storyline of its own.
More oppurtunites to show alignment without having to kill peasants
NPC conversations - the little stories got me hooked.
Lots of surprises (Skin dancer reappears, Firkraag, Sarevok)
A multitude of strategies to use, can change your way of playing every chapter.
Lots of mini-bosses, not just miniquests...ie the lich in the docks (forget name)
You have to earn many of the NPCs...haerdalis, Aerie
No wilderness
Too easy to cheese it.
Things like crom faeyr are frustrating..(O GOD I DIDNT GET THAT GIRDLE IN THE UNDERDARK!)
Unexpected storyline....little quest for siren grows...i loved that!
Old places dont get left out once you finish their chapter (gotta keep going back to da hand in dorns deep)
Conversations is bent around your race and class...makes you wanna play over and over to see if it would have been different.
A little to linear...story got boring
No NPC storylines, made it a bit bland too
Prologue was boring (more than you would expect in a prologue)
3ed rules are fun....although they could explain them a bit better (I started my bard with 10 CHA)
Nice story..not amazing, but good.
Things like monks refusing rewards and Diplomacy make the lack of NPC stories not so bad.
BAttle squares itself could make the game last hours and hours longer
Kegs are fun hehehe
Magic items are quite rare, as they should be. You don't expect to kill some orcs and find a massive stash of uber cloaks and belts and junk.
A bit long winded
Once again, no NPC stories
The 'secrets' are too easy to find (the doppelganger incident should go on a bit more in Targos...go and find out about him from people he met...priest only has suspicions, i dont know)
Some stuff is too difficult when you get to it, even though its meant to base it on your level.
NWN (now my big rant)
Builder, although insanely buggy and slow, a good idea
Good storyline basis, but needs more work.
Interface = stupid, too futuristic, destroys any fantasy element, makes it very bland also.
ONE PERSON??? HOW BORING CAN YOU GET??? It was so monotonous, no new things happening, no different strategies to try, just the same things over and over with the same boring person.
Everything repeated itself. Bosses almost always surrendered, boring you out of your mind with retarded conversations then running away. I actually stopped playing in coldwood when yet ANOTHER orc surrendered...and I didn't even care about finding out the rest of the story.
Quests were too similar - oo find 5 bandits and bring me their ears, oo find me five werewolves and bring me their rings, oo find 4 monsters and bring me their bits, oo find five books...you see where im going? No different kinds of quest that interest you..except henchmen quests.
And the scenery, the scenery was just so bad...everything square and the same as everywhere else. Coldwood looked like Neverwinter wood looked like Charwood. A dragon lives in a cave just like an orc cave. All dead people look exactly the same
SO my order from best to worst is
Tell me what you think