Hmm, I'm playing a light side female this time and flirted with Carth on Taris(as he always initiated the flirting, it didn't seem like any sort of DS action)
Heh, I was disappointed, I was hoping for some girl on girl romance with bastilla.
Anyway, now that the game has progressed, whenever I talk to Carth it gets all serious, talking about Saul etc.
Will I get more flirting options?
Hey, it'd be nice to have a few more romance options(although it might be going a bit overboard. too much stuff like that and you'd need to play the game through dozens of times to see everything)
I want to seduce Zaalbar.....mmmmm....big hairy guys turn me on
Well, sometimes the other characters talk to each other(and not you) so it'd be nice to have a few of them have romances. Perhaps the robot from Taris and the robot from Tatooine could get it together?