As I was adventuring in the Watchers Keep with my solo Kensai\Thief, I suddely find myself on the level with Lum the Mad's machine, Then, as I sneak about in the Illithid area, I bump into some Ulitharid, Mind Flayers and Umber Hulks. Being as stealthy as a lvl 40 Thief can be, I backstab one of the Ulitharids, for an immense 228 points of damage!
I am just wondering if anybody have made a backstab for those ammounts of damage, if not, maybe I should call Guiness.
BTW, I had 25 Strenght due to my good friend Crom(****), and I also used my other good friend, the Celestial Fury(*****) to perform the backstab.
My backstab multiplier is 5x

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