There are men that will come on to anything with legs... sigh.
I just wanted to react to everybody calling me and my brother a cheater for selling wands of cloudkill and then buying them back fully charged.
Think of marketing, if you're a merckeant and somebody sells you a wand of cloudkill with one charge you will try to recharge it because you can ask a lot more for it if you try to sell it again. Makes perfect sence to me, I don't think it's a bug.
And cloudkill is just a nasty sneaky spell if you ask me. At first I couldn't even handle it, much like fireballs, because I've got a hack and slash party that's always in the line of fire.
Being sneaky is a tactic, it's a bit of a coward's tactic, I'll give you that, but it's still a tactic.
I don't think Dragons are too easy to kill. First of all, you have to think a bit about your tactic before it will work. And second, I think that for this game they were intended to get whooped. In real RPG they're probably a lot harder to kill but the programmers wanted to keep this game exciting. If you want to make an exciting RPG, put dragons in it, they boost sales.
I've never played the P&P RPG's, but isn't it a lot harder to get to the higher levels than in a computer game? That way dragons stay a challenge.