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Fantasy Wrestling

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Fantasy Wrestling

Post by Lost One »

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's get rrready to ruuuuuuuuuuuumblleeeeeeee! This world's FWWF (fantasy world wrestling federation), situated in the troll kingdom of Gurabdur is proud to present a new tournament that will rival any ever seen in history before! A Tournament so grand that the winner will win not only 1000 gold pieces, but a bag of holding, a goblin slave, and a ruler's right to a pixie kingdom located near your local rabbit-hole. Join up! Be bad, and be brave! And remember the 5 platinum fee! :D :cool:

Here's how it goes. There will be 8 competitors. The House favourite, Ugh, and 7 others, of which, you have a right to 1 of these slots. All I require right now is for people to sign up (if they have the plat), giving details about your fighter (like I will do with the troll) and then I shall read the draw of who fights who, at which point, you will be asked to give a strategy of how you will fight that opponent. ;)

Rules: This is very important. You may not sign a creature that cannot fit in a wrestling ring (a dragon for example), and your creature must have a solid form w/appendages. You may hurt the opponent as much as possible during the fight, but killing will lead to your disqualification. The use of Magic is FORBIDDEN within the ring, although you may use it prior to the event (eg. spell ups like stoneskin). In all cases, the fight ends when one creature pins the other down for at least 3 seconds, when one of them dies, or when one simply gives up.

Presenting the House Champion:

Name: Ugh

Race: Swamp Troll

Class: Barbarian

Weight: 350 kilos of pure muscle.

Height: 10 feet

Stamina: Great

Special Attacks: claw ravage - tears the opponent to shreds before overbearing him and knocking him down for the countdown.
throat crush - is able to grab the opponent by the throat, slowly crushing his windpipe, before leaving him without breath on the ground.

Special Defense: stench - this trollie hasn't seen a bath in years...and he smells so bad that opponents coming close to him suffer morale penalties to their attacks.

Weaknesses: Fire, acid. Slow, not too bright. His bad temper can get the best of him.

So, what are you waiting for! Sign up! :D :D :D
Check it out! One of my earliest, and certainly, more creative threads! :)

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Post by Rob-hin »

Name: Ironhide

Race: Iron Golem

Class: None

Weight: 5,000 pounds :cool: :p

Height: 12 feet

Stamina:'s an iron golem :D

Special Attacks:
Unstoppable Ever tried stopping a train? When he moves, nothing can stop it from reaching his goal.
Slam Even been hit by a train? :D One hit of those fists, much damage.

Special Defense:
Damage reduction He absorbes part of the damage done to him due to his hardness.
Immunity to critical hits The golem has no vital spots so is not vulnerable to well placed hits.

Electricity slows it down for a while.
Slow and somewhat clumsy.
No constitution or intelligence what so ever.

Image <-- Minus the sword and his 'little' brother.
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Post by CM »

Name: CM

Race: CM stuff

Class: CM Class - special class :D

Weight: 170 pounds

Height: 6 feet

Stamina: None what so ever. I am a weak lardass :D

Special Attacks:
The ability to fart whenever so required.
Bleching all 191 national anthems of the world.
Havent brushed my teeth in 2 decades.

Special Defense:
CM - special ability. The CM ability allows me to take one of the defensives the other person has and nullifies the other persons defense.

DF's :p

I am not a powergamer :rolleyes: :p
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Aegis »

Sounds like my athletic Dwarves are coming back :cool

Name: Tingle Orcstench

Race: Dwarf

Class: Bare-Knuckler boxer/expert engineer

Weight: 250 lbs. without equipment, 320 lbs. with equipment

Height: 4 1/2 feet, 5 feet with bright purple mohawk

Stamina: Providing he's had his pre-match drink, he ain't stopping.

Special Attacks: Nut-Buster - Simply put, a good ol' square kick to the junk, rendering his oppenant (male only) quite immobile for sometime.
Jewel'd Knuckle - Years of bare-knuckle boxing, engineering, and just being a dwarf like he is has covered his fists in numerous callous's, causing them to strike as if they were made of stone. They're capable of damaging almost anything they hit.
The Moe - A good, sporting gouge to the eyes. Always fun.

Special Defense: Smells worse than the troll. Extremely toughend skin.

Weaknesses: Small Stature. Slow while equiped. A sense of Dwarven honour (minus the eye gouging and nut-busting. Them's perfectly fine for him).

Note: I think I might go searching for the SYM World Cup thread we had a couple years back... Good for comparison... :D :cool:
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Post by Lost One »

Heh, thanks for the quick contributions so far. Ironhide, sounds tough. Tingle Orcstench, hopefully not a nekkid dwarf this time. ;) abilities. I can see how farting and having bad breath can put other people off, or even make them faint, giving you that precious few seconds to get them in a hold to win the fight. I bet if a sumo wrestler farted in front of his opponent, the other guy would be jumping out of the ring in no time. :rolleyes: :D

So far, we have 4 competitors. Hey, if I get enough people interested, I might make it 16 at the end. Anyway, gotta go but I'll be about waiting for the ready list. :cool:
Check it out! One of my earliest, and certainly, more creative threads! :)

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Post by Aegis »

What's Everyone got against my Nekkid Dwarves? :D :cool:
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Post by Dottie »

From a small goblin tribe, not wery far from troll land comes Eth Lrdd the unready to fight for her goblin lover, snatched not long ago to be prize in this competition.

Eth Lrdd:
Race: Goblin
Weight: 52kg
Height: 1.3m

A fighter of some ability Eth comes with a range of different weapons, and honors herself with always fighting dirty... one way or another. While small and nimble the fighter does lack the same punch as many of the other contestants. For a goblin Eth can act quite diciplined, but is just as sneaky as usual. She isnt normally a very agressive one, but if reminded of her lovers fate she might explode. She has been quite down lately, and at times she might think that all is hopeless and wondering if she should put herself to rest.

She is accompanied to the tournament by a shaman and a few friends from her tribe to cheer her on, cook for her and give other aid when possible.

Special attacks:
One of Eths weapons is a large ball of iron in a chain, with almost the same weight as herself. if given a few seconds she can put herself and the ball in a spin around each other. No matter if she or the ball hits the opponent it is likely to hurt. She also has a spiked club, a blowdart, nasty big pointy teeth and a big sack of money.

Special defence:
Eth can wear a few different armors, from a heavy leather suit with lots of spikes to almost nothing, should she opt for speed.

Weakness: Not that strong, not that big, depressed
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Post by Rob-hin »

err... I think mine is a bit over powered :D
I'll weak it down a bit.

Done. :)
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Post by CM »

NONE OF YOU WILL LAST AGAINST MY FARTS! I suggest you already give up :D
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by werebeargoddess »

if you were a werebear, would that be your class, your race, or what?
I wanted to change my sig, but I can't think of anything to change it to :(
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Post by Rob-hin »

Werebear is a type.
Any race can be a werebear. For instance a dwarven werebear or a elven werebear.

A werebear usually has no class, but it could have one.

[QUOTE=CM]NONE OF YOU WILL LAST AGAINST MY FARTS! I suggest you already give up :D [/QUOTE]

Golems dont breathe. :p
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Name: Iridur Morningblade

Race: Elf

Class: Fighter/Cleric of Lathander

Weight: 63 kg

Height: 1.8 mt

Hair: Long blonde hair (he is an elf you know)

Atack: With his scimitar, which acts as +2 to hit during the night and +3 to hit +1d4 extra fire damage when it is morning (granted by lathander). He may also cast Morningshout, habilitie that allows him to put his enemies in fear for six rounds, save at -6

Defense: Shield of the Morninggrace grants him special missile protection and avoids his lost of senses in dark areas, making him invulnerable to charm and confusion. He may also cast shield of light, making it difficult for undead to get close to him without being destroyed and normal people to be blinded.

Weakness: Relies too much on his buffs to keep the pace. Low stats of strenght and constitution.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Rob-hin]Werebear is a type.
Any race can be a werebear. For instance a dwarven werebear or a elven werebear.

A werebear usually has no class, but it could have one.

Golems dont breathe. :p [/QUOTE]

His farts may be acidic.

Sanduchokuu farts... acidic backslash (helping you CM
:D )
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Post by Rob-hin »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]His farts may be acidic.

Sanduchokuu farts... acidic backslash (helping you CM
:D )[/QUOTE]


No making friends with one another before the tournament! :mad:
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Post by Luis Antonio »


No making friends with one another before the tournament! :mad: [/QUOTE]

Uh, want some help with your golem? Call W Weimer... :D
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Post by Rob-hin »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Uh, want some help with your golem? Call W Weimer... :D [/QUOTE]

err.... who?
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Rob-hin]err.... who?[/QUOTE]

Wes Weimer (tactics mod and others.)
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Post by Lost One »

Cool, so far we got:

Ugh, House Champion, Swamp Troll Barbarian

Ironhide, the fantastic, unstoppable Iron Golem!

Eth Lrdd, the goblin princess fighting for her lost love!

Iridur Morningblade, the Fighter/Priest of Dawn!


CM! The stinky, the foul, the forum craze!

All we need is 3 more competitors!

EDIT: Oh wait. Something came up. A bearded dwarf looking very angry is running towards me with an axe. He seems to be fuming. -to the referee next to him- Hey, competitors are not allowed here! ...........

Get the dwarf away from me! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH...............!

-in a dying voice-

oh...let's not forget...

Tingle Orcstench! - the raging dwarf berserker/engineer!

PS: Sorry for mixing goblin gender...they are all the same to me. :D :D
Check it out! One of my earliest, and certainly, more creative threads! :)

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Post by Aegis »

You forgot Tingle Orcstentch! :mad: :o
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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=Lost One]Eth Lrdd, the prince goblin charming fighting for his lost love![/QUOTE]
err, eth is a girl goblin fighting for her love. (shes a princess)
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
-Sun Tzu, the Art of War
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