Here's how it goes. There will be 8 competitors. The House favourite, Ugh, and 7 others, of which, you have a right to 1 of these slots. All I require right now is for people to sign up (if they have the plat), giving details about your fighter (like I will do with the troll) and then I shall read the draw of who fights who, at which point, you will be asked to give a strategy of how you will fight that opponent.
Rules: This is very important. You may not sign a creature that cannot fit in a wrestling ring (a dragon for example), and your creature must have a solid form w/appendages. You may hurt the opponent as much as possible during the fight, but killing will lead to your disqualification. The use of Magic is FORBIDDEN within the ring, although you may use it prior to the event (eg. spell ups like stoneskin). In all cases, the fight ends when one creature pins the other down for at least 3 seconds, when one of them dies, or when one simply gives up.
Presenting the House Champion:
Name: Ugh
Race: Swamp Troll
Class: Barbarian
Weight: 350 kilos of pure muscle.
Height: 10 feet
Stamina: Great
Special Attacks: claw ravage - tears the opponent to shreds before overbearing him and knocking him down for the countdown.
throat crush - is able to grab the opponent by the throat, slowly crushing his windpipe, before leaving him without breath on the ground.
Special Defense: stench - this trollie hasn't seen a bath in years...and he smells so bad that opponents coming close to him suffer morale penalties to their attacks.
Weaknesses: Fire, acid. Slow, not too bright. His bad temper can get the best of him.
So, what are you waiting for! Sign up!