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Need opinion on this party.. ( SoA and ToB)

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Need opinion on this party.. ( SoA and ToB)

Post by LitHiuM »

Hey you guys! :D

Well i got great replies to my last 2 threads, so here is one more... ;)

Ok, i'm starting over in SoA after having reached the "God" status once again... :p

So, just want your opinion on this new, partly custom made party...

Pc - Berserker/cleric Neutral Evil (that's how i am IRL :D )

Inquisitor - (Guess which alignment! :P )

(goes without saying, the first two are humans :) )

Halforc - F/T (Multi) Lawful Evil

Halfelf or Elf - Sorceror Lawful Evil

Now you might ask why the majority, besides the pally, is evil..
To answer that, from i roleplaying perspective, i like being the evil guy, who kills people at random, and doesn't give a crap about the beggars :D

That's sweeeeet! :D

Hope to hear from ya all...
Take care!
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Post by Volk »

The paladian kills the party perspective unless of course he becomes fallen in which case hes worse then an actual fighter, but other then that its a good party to rampage cities and kill everything in sight.
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Post by LitHiuM »

[QUOTE=Volk]The paladian kills the party perspective unless of course he becomes fallen in which case hes worse then an actual fighter, but other then that its a good party to rampage cities and kill everything in sight.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i know, but i just gotta have a pally

Mainly because of the dispel, true sight, carsomyr etc...
(I know, I know, i'm weak Cuz i can't just gotta have carsomyr.. welll.. thats me! :P )

But if I had the option, i would make him a Blackguard, like i NwN, but sadly, i don't...

so i settle with the next best...
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Post by Volk »

Yea but keep in mind that when he falls, he will lose dispel, true sight, the ability to use the carsomyr, a paladin also loses the ability to turn undead and cast spells but since the inquisitor cant to begin with thats not a poroblem, and he will fall if your reputation goes under a certan number, not sure exactly but its 10 or under.
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Post by LitHiuM »

[QUOTE=Volk]Yea but keep in mind that when he falls, he will lose dispel, true sight, the ability to use the carsomyr, a paladin also loses the ability to turn undead and cast spells but since the inquisitor cant to begin with thats not a poroblem, and he will fall if your reputation goes under a certan number, not sure exactly but its 10 or under.[/QUOTE]

Yea, thx for the advice, but tho i'm a noobie at the forums, I am some what pretty experienced at BG... ;)

So i kinda know all that stuff, and what I said was, IF the opportunity were there to make a Blackguard, I would choose that over the paladin.

But since it isn't there, i will have to settle with the normal paladin. (inquisitor)

But thx for your time and advice.

And btw, i thinks it's party rep. under 6 :p
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Post by moltovir »

You can download the anti-paladin kit... It's part of the tactisc mod, but you don't have to install the other components.. Basically its a fighter kit who can also use dispel magic, true sight and stuff like that.

Full description:
[QUOTE=Tactics mod readme]ANTI-PALADIN: The Anti-Paladin has dedicated his life to finding and
eliminating practicioners of good magic and defeating the forces of
light, and his dark god has provided him with special abilities toward
that end. Anti-Paladins take a special joy in inflicting pain and

- May use 'Dispel Magic' ability once per day per 4 levels (starts at
1st level with one use): ability is used at speed factor 1 and acts at
twice his actual level.
- May cast 'True Sight' once per day per 4 levels (starts at 1st level
with one use)
- Immune to Hold and Charm spells
- 'Dispel Magic' on every melee hit

- Basically none compared to a normal fighter.
- May not use standard paladin weapons like Holy Avengers
- May not Turn Undead
- May not cast Clerical spells
- Must be Evil

You may dual-class a human anti-paladin (but you need exceptional scores
to do so).[/QUOTE]

Edit: if you really want to use Carsy, you can always dual-class him to a thief at higher levels and use UAI to wield it. Personally i won't do it. Carsy is not that great, plus it's kind of bizar: 'I'm evil as hell but i still want to use a holy weapon that is created specially to kill evil bastards like myself!"
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Post by FireLighter »

That dispel magic on every melee hit sounds REAL cheesey...

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Post by Yeltsu »

Why not just make a evil F\T (Multi or dual) and just use Carsomyr once you get UAI?
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Post by Deathknight »

Personally I would go with a Kensai dualled to a thief or a berserker dualed to a thief instead of the straight fighter/thief (I went with a berserker thief in my most recent custom party and it worked out great. The immunities you gain while berserk alone make it worthwhile).

I also agree with everyone else that it seems odd from a roleplaying perspective to include the paladin in an all evil party. From a power gaming perspective I don't think you give anything up ditching the paladin and Carsomyr to go with one of the other power gaming classes (which seems to be your objective?). A kensai mage for instance will give you another more than capable melee guy with spellcasting abilities to augment the sorcerer. IMHO the spells more than make up for the dispel magic and truesite from the paladin and later in the game the capability to go into melee or sling around level 8 or 9 spells is wicked.

Of course that doesn't leave you with any full fighters, do you plan on picking up any npcs? If you play into TOB it would make sense to have at least 1 guy that can pick up the HLAs for a fighter.
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Post by LitHiuM »

[QUOTE=moltovir]You can download the anti-paladin kit... It's part of the tactisc mod, but you don't have to install the other components.. Basically its a fighter kit who can also use dispel magic, true sight and stuff like that.

Full description:

Edit: if you really want to use Carsy, you can always dual-class him to a thief at higher levels and use UAI to wield it. Personally i won't do it. Carsy is not that great, plus it's kind of bizar: 'I'm evil as hell but i still want to use a holy weapon that is created specially to kill evil bastards like myself!"[/QUOTE]

So.. if we were to say, you are an Evil dude...
You see a good dude, who has a weapon, which OwnZ your weapon with ease, you wouldn't wanna use that?

I know I would, but that's just me i guess... :P
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