Well i got great replies to my last 2 threads, so here is one more...
Ok, i'm starting over in SoA after having reached the "God" status once again...
So, just want your opinion on this new, partly custom made party...
Pc - Berserker/cleric Neutral Evil (that's how i am IRL
Inquisitor - (Guess which alignment!
(goes without saying, the first two are humans
Halforc - F/T (Multi) Lawful Evil
Halfelf or Elf - Sorceror Lawful Evil
Now you might ask why the majority, besides the pally, is evil..
To answer that, from i roleplaying perspective, i like being the evil guy, who kills people at random, and doesn't give a crap about the beggars
That's sweeeeet!
Hope to hear from ya all...
Take care!