I had some difficulty with the more annoying fights, particularly outside the Horde Fortress and entering the Severed Hand. However, I'm pleased to report I made it through eventually without ever cheating or even resorting to 'cheese' tactics (my basic approach was to buff and wade in, and failing that I would search through my inventory for something to assist me).
In the end, Veldrin was a level 12 fighter / 13 cleric and I am very much looking forward to soloing him through HoF mode. Even if I lost most of his items on export because they were stored in containers (D'oh
Stats (from memory, I'm at work now)
Str 18
Dex 15
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 23
Cha 10
Fortitude: +21
Reflex: +20
Will: +26
Dual wielding +4 Vampiric Longsword and +4 Longsword
Equipped items: Pit Fiend Plate ( Armor Bonus +10 ), Cloak of Displacement, Worg Collar, Boots of Speed, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Every God Ring, Ring of Regeneration, I forget which helmet (it provides permanent Death Ward while equipped)
Main Hand BAB: +26
Off Hand BAB: +23
UnBuffed Hit Points / Armor Class: 198 / 22
Now the super hard part: Skills & Feats
Intimidate 14
Bluff 2
Diplomacy 7
Spellcraft 4
Knowledge (Arcana) 4
Concentration 7
Two Weapon Fighting
Martial Weapon Large Sword: 3
Simple Weapon Mace: 3
Great Fortitude
Combat Casting
Lightning Reflexes
Iron Will
Notes: It was a mistake to make this guy a moon elf, because of the possible XP penalty. I actually leveled him to fighter 6/cleric 8 while in the Horde Fortress, and boy did I pay for it. I lost about half a level's worth of experience there once you account for the threat adjustment. Intended to be a fighter wizard (no XP penalty ever) but was made a cleric because solo characters can really use healing.
All in all, fun, if a little frustrating sometimes. I hate how most fights turn into ridiculous slugging matches because every monster within 500 feet comes running if you injure one of them. Realistic, but if I wanted to take on half the world at once, I would rather have a choice about it.
There will be much bragging and chest thumping if I ever complete HoF without burning my house down.