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NPC's wont talk2me!

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NPC's wont talk2me!

Post by Phantom72 »

I have some trouble in BG2, when i complete some quest, and i go back to the person to collect my reward, i get "you cannot initiate dialog "____" appears busy"
Please tell me if im not the only one with this problem, and how to get around it!
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Post by werebeargoddess »

I've had that problem a couple times as well, but unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure how to fix it.
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Post by glenfar »

That's a common problem, and can be fixed by installing the official patch. You can download that from here

If you only have SoA, install that patch, otherwise just install the ToB patch (ToB already includes to SoA patch).
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Post by DAVROS »

Thanks for the tip

This was frustrating the hell out of me too. The patch worked wonders, I had a great time travelling around to receive my quest rewards. :p
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Post by dj_venom »


Another way to fix that problem other than downloading the patch is as follows:

After it says 'appears busy', save the game and then load that same game. Most of the time this tactic will work.
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Post by Fraser »

I had the same problem. Usually leaving the area and coming back helped for me. Strangely the problem started when I installed ToB. I uninstalled that and it worked fine. I know that's a bit strange but it's what happened. If there's a patch that fixes that on ToB then there might be two problems and the patch only fixes one.
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Post by ensaro dai »

Besides patching it with the official patches, patching it with baldurdash fixes might help too. (some1 be so nice to show the site, thought it was @ but dunno for sure :) )
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Post by fable »

Baldurdash? It's here.
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Post by Danbacksli »

I have the exact same problem and have been stopped in playing any Baldur's Gate for about a year cause I never knew how to fix it. One thing I would like to know is if the patch takes away any cool items or changes the game in anyway other than fixing it?
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Post by glenfar »

[QUOTE=Danbacksli]One thing I would like to know is if the patch takes away any cool items or changes the game in anyway other than fixing it?[/QUOTE]

If you go to the patch page, you can read everything it changes on there. Mostly it's just bug fixes, but it actually adds some stuff as well - nothing is taken away.
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Post by Opalescence »

Well, one and ONLY one thing was taken away that I disliked.

It is this: oftentimes whenever I made a Kensai/Mage, the first thing I would do was,


when I could reasonably enter the Temple district and do the guarded compound, I would go to the first floor, wait for the Kensai with Celestial Fury to "lock on", then go back downstairs. The idea was, kill the dude, take Celestial Fury, then go back UPstairs, the dude respawns! You can get (theoretically) as many Celestial Furies as you want this way! Since my Kensai had tons of bonuses to Swordfighting (obviously), and had 5 stars in Katana and 1 in dual wielding, two Celestial Fury seemed a sure-fire! And boy was it. With the patch, however, that's impossible; if you lure the dude with CF downstairs and kill him, he won't respawn upstairs anymore :( . But don't fret, a second, easily just-as-good combo for a Kensai/Mage is CF with Dak'kon's Zerth Blade :D .
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