I'm starting to put together a new party of 4 characters and I'm curious about how people have used the special abilities of the Lorekeeper of Oghma in their party make-up. Their domain spells are nice but it seems awkward that Int is the skill modifier for both alchemy and knowledge (arcana) while normally a cleric wouldn't emphasize Int at all. Also, alchemy is not even a class skill for clerics!
So why would you want a +1 in a skill that you have to buy as a cross-class skill?
Ohgma as loremaster/alchemist?
hmm, useful as a Multiclass Fight/Cleric/Wiz?
Perhaps you could look at a Sorc/Cleric. This would give you a dual benefit from good Cha. Sorc. would let you take advantage of the Alchemy bonus?
This Character would be acceptable as long as it never saw combat! Strictly a back line caster.
Perhaps you could look at a Sorc/Cleric. This would give you a dual benefit from good Cha. Sorc. would let you take advantage of the Alchemy bonus?
This Character would be acceptable as long as it never saw combat! Strictly a back line caster.
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Human Bard1/LorekeeperX:
str 12
dex 12
con 10
int 14
wis 18
cha 10
start as bard, get lingering song...
every level raise concentration (1/level), knowledge (1/level), alchemy (2/level) - you'll keep al 3 maximised. if you want Spellcraft as well - increase Int by +2 (at the expence of Cha, i guess - when you want to turn undead, cast Eagle's Splendour on him first).
I used this char as the ultimate support caster - at the start of combat start the Bardsong, then cast the best party-buffing spell available (can be done in preparation for combat), then start casting enemy-disabling/debuffing spells (some very usefull domain spells here).
When needed, this char was a perfect "wall" - with Full Plate, Tower Shield+2, Expertiese, Ironskins, Blade Barrier, etc - he just stood in a doorway, singing, while everybody else used spells/missile weapons/long reach two-handed weapons.
if you go for 4-member party, you might as well go for a female drow:
str 12
dex 12
con 12
int 16
wis 18
cha 10
str 12
dex 12
con 10
int 14
wis 18
cha 10
start as bard, get lingering song...
every level raise concentration (1/level), knowledge (1/level), alchemy (2/level) - you'll keep al 3 maximised. if you want Spellcraft as well - increase Int by +2 (at the expence of Cha, i guess - when you want to turn undead, cast Eagle's Splendour on him first).
I used this char as the ultimate support caster - at the start of combat start the Bardsong, then cast the best party-buffing spell available (can be done in preparation for combat), then start casting enemy-disabling/debuffing spells (some very usefull domain spells here).
When needed, this char was a perfect "wall" - with Full Plate, Tower Shield+2, Expertiese, Ironskins, Blade Barrier, etc - he just stood in a doorway, singing, while everybody else used spells/missile weapons/long reach two-handed weapons.
if you go for 4-member party, you might as well go for a female drow:
str 12
dex 12
con 12
int 16
wis 18
cha 10