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Ohgma as loremaster/alchemist?

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Ohgma as loremaster/alchemist?

Post by ishuman »

I'm starting to put together a new party of 4 characters and I'm curious about how people have used the special abilities of the Lorekeeper of Oghma in their party make-up. Their domain spells are nice but it seems awkward that Int is the skill modifier for both alchemy and knowledge (arcana) while normally a cleric wouldn't emphasize Int at all. Also, alchemy is not even a class skill for clerics!

So why would you want a +1 in a skill that you have to buy as a cross-class skill?
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Post by Heidrek »

hmm, useful as a Multiclass Fight/Cleric/Wiz?

Perhaps you could look at a Sorc/Cleric. This would give you a dual benefit from good Cha. Sorc. would let you take advantage of the Alchemy bonus?

This Character would be acceptable as long as it never saw combat! Strictly a back line caster.
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Post by Mirk »

Human Bard1/LorekeeperX:

str 12
dex 12
con 10
int 14
wis 18
cha 10

start as bard, get lingering song...
every level raise concentration (1/level), knowledge (1/level), alchemy (2/level) - you'll keep al 3 maximised. if you want Spellcraft as well - increase Int by +2 (at the expence of Cha, i guess - when you want to turn undead, cast Eagle's Splendour on him first).

I used this char as the ultimate support caster - at the start of combat start the Bardsong, then cast the best party-buffing spell available (can be done in preparation for combat), then start casting enemy-disabling/debuffing spells (some very usefull domain spells here).

When needed, this char was a perfect "wall" - with Full Plate, Tower Shield+2, Expertiese, Ironskins, Blade Barrier, etc - he just stood in a doorway, singing, while everybody else used spells/missile weapons/long reach two-handed weapons.

if you go for 4-member party, you might as well go for a female drow:

str 12
dex 12
con 12
int 16
wis 18
cha 10
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