I don't know.. I realise that there is an infinite amount possible with the game and construction set.. but Morrowind just does not evoke LOTR for me.. and mods such as this.. feel... forced and a bit out of place somehow.
I mean Morrowind/The Elderscrolls series is very much its own universe, and it has no real connection to other role playing/D&D types of games, books and worlds....
So is it just me that finds LOTR-inspired Morrowind mods a bit.. incongruous?
Note: this is not intended as a discussion of LOTR itself, for those interested, the topic has been discussed at length over in the Speak Your Mind Forum. And no doubt, if posts become lengthy conversations about LOTR alone, Fable will come by brandishing his broom and Staff of Anti Spam.... and all miscreants will be locked away in a specially reserved Game Banshee dungeon