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Lord of The Rings as Inspiration for some Morrowind Mods

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Lord of The Rings as Inspiration for some Morrowind Mods

Post by dragon wench »

Since I have figured out how to download mods from File Planet, I have just spent some time browsing through the Summit's extensive mod data base. As I was doing so, I noted that there are quite a few mods inspired by LOTR (book and/or movie) in terms of landmass, castles, place names, armour etc.

I don't know.. I realise that there is an infinite amount possible with the game and construction set.. but Morrowind just does not evoke LOTR for me.. and mods such as this.. feel... forced and a bit out of place somehow.

I mean Morrowind/The Elderscrolls series is very much its own universe, and it has no real connection to other role playing/D&D types of games, books and worlds....

So is it just me that finds LOTR-inspired Morrowind mods a bit.. incongruous?

Note: this is not intended as a discussion of LOTR itself, for those interested, the topic has been discussed at length over in the Speak Your Mind Forum. And no doubt, if posts become lengthy conversations about LOTR alone, Fable will come by brandishing his broom and Staff of Anti Spam.... and all miscreants will be locked away in a specially reserved Game Banshee dungeon :D ;)
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Post by Monolith »


on the one hand I totally agree with you - TES is a universe and elements of LOTR, D&D and so on simply don't fit. Thus I never use mods which include e. g. races from other games, weapons, environment and so on.

On the other hand the TESCS allowes to build games from the scratch - games not related to TES. There was a German modding-team which was working on a LOTR total conversion. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I leave it up to you ;) ) they had to abandon the project due to copyright issues...
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Post by fable »

Any mods that incorporate aspects of other fiction, whether anime, fantasy, horror films, etc, just seem to me totally out of place in any other reasonably well-defined environment. And that goes for MW, as well. Of course, this doesn't stop a small band from enthusiasts from demanding 'em, and occasionally doing 'em themselves when no one else volunteers.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Yeah.. i would give my vote for ni lotr or other things... but those mods are quite nice to have sometimes..

Think about dragons.. there are several plugisn wich will add those to Morrowind...

So in Ashlands you will hear dragon's moan and you will look up.. you will see gigantic unrealistic creature.. (lol similar to morrowinds head and legs only monster's)

Nah forget it...

Sometimes those mods can be quite fun.. and those can add some realism too..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Rookierookie »

There are many LORT mods for just about every game, even AOK and Half Life. I would be surprised if there aren't thousands of MW LORT mods.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

well... i am not sure but there is about 50 LORT plugins...

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Monolith »

[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Yeah.. i would give my vote for ni lotr or other things... but those mods are quite nice to have sometimes..

Think about dragons.. there are several plugisn wich will add those to Morrowind...

So in Ashlands you will hear dragon's moan and you will look up.. you will see gigantic unrealistic creature.. (lol similar to morrowinds head and legs only monster's)

Nah forget it...

Sometimes those mods can be quite fun.. and those can add some realism too..[/QUOTE]
Well, due to TES lore dragons are good creatures, allies of the empire and can be considered as totally invincible...
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Post by dragon wench »

Actually, dragon plugins I have no real trouble with because:
There is that dragon statue in Ebonheart, and they are a part of TES lore as Monolith mentions, so they do have a connection to the world, even though they are not actually in the game. Plus, with all the reptilian life around Vvardenfell, they would not seem especially out of place. There are also a couple of armors taken from Dragon hides as I recall, which give them a sort of tangential material presence.

Regarding LOTR though, I do know that the game and construction set will permit basically anything, and I can understand the demand for such plugins. As I said though, for me personally, it doesn't quite seem to fit ;)

Quite true regarding the many LOTR mods, as Fable said though, it doesn't really matter the game, usually themes taken from elsewhere don't quite work.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

I know what is in TES LORE...

If i remember correctly that armor is made from dragon bones...

As for that dragon thing forget it... it was bad sample.. anyway..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by jopperm2 »

I'm not particularly fond of LOTR Mods.. I would like to see a One Ring artifact though.. Not that it would do all that the real one does, but something that makes you invisible and maybe angers all the creatures around you so they go sniffing around. *goes to play fellowship on his xbox*
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