plan on play through normal and then HOF.
I want to have 11 classes all in my party. Also have some ease mod installed as mentenioned below, which can be found at , and I highly recommened some of these mods.
1:Half-Orc Pal3/Ftr4/BarbX
yeah I know Pal have some align restriction, I plan to make him lawfulgood and while adventure goes on he can't resist tempt from the blood in his body and tend to what he want to be : Barb ,and change the align to chaosgood repectively.
2:??? Ftr4/ClericX
well this will be a more combat oriented one than the one below, often cast some buff or debuff spell in combat , no direct harm spell needed. Prefered BattleGuard of Tempus but if you thick other domains better please point out. Will he be powerful enough to disgard the fighter lvl? I haven't decide whether Dwarf or Female Drow will be, both no EXP penalty while Drow have some nice spell Resist but well be 2 LV lower.
3:??? ClericX
this will be a more spell oriented one than above, while both will be a backup for each other, if one die, another still can resurrect. Haven't decide which race and domain yet, advice please.
Early part he will just sit back and shoot, while later in HOF while tanks will be hurt too bad he stand out and be the decoy one. take monk so I have a monk in my party, Dreadmaster mainly for the scroll or otherwise will be wasted,haven't decided yet. Lv will be slow but what the hack, since I won't find useful scroll that soon , right?
5:??? Bard11/SorcX
Think I will not use bard song glitch though, but I will open the war of trenth during no combat use mod, like what it is in BG days.
this will be main buffer, plenty of low level spells, which race will you suggest?
6:Asimair Pal1/SorX
Maybe no Pal lv, just Sorc straightward . Party's main bombraider. Each elemental feat will be chosen, and spell focus on EVO,NEC,and/or TRANS
OK, seems no EVERY class right? Plan on chage CHAR3 to some Ranger X(maybe 1 or 5)/Druid Y, but that will be only one resurrecter, and think that's not enough. Some advice please. Plus, I want to intsall the mods which enhanced Druid's spell and ShapeAbility(which sucks!), so should I stick on Druid or should I take Druid 12 ( or 14 )/Cleric X,and put the ranger part in CHAR4?
That's all. In Early normal game I will have CHAR 1,2 as Tank,3 as secondary tank, 4,5,6 as longrange shooter. Later and in Hof when thing tends to be harder will use spell more often, while I will have 5 spell caster then.
Will that party be fun? I think the main pain will be slow lv raies due to 6 PC, but i will get used to it.
BTW,to Wrath, NO, we chinese will NEVER give up our picture-drawing like words and turn to letter or what (If there are some, then we won't call them chinese, but BANANA, yellow skin white inside), and NO, these drawing is not developed in IRAQ ( they have their own civilization like Babylon or Egypt or what ), but in our own country.well I'm not historian but I know there are many ruins contains ancient copper things with ancient picture-drawing like words (which I can't recognize either) on it. But, we are in game board, ha