One is in that little room just above all that lava on the floor (accompanied by a pit fiend) and another is just before the room with the floor maze (where you spell out amaunator, or what ever it is. Cant make it to the room
Now last time I dont remember any liches here, so i'm guessing it has something to do with one of the mods i installed, but now they are here im rather stuck because i cant kill them. I use my fighter/druid with boots of speed on to get into his sight and wait for him to cast timestop then run around a corner. i do that twice then next time i get into his view a spell trigger activates and im dead, don't even get too see what he casts its so instantaneous. My best weapon is +3 and i try beating on him with this, but i can't even hurt him and any spell cast at him becomes 'spell ineffective'.
This is really really frustrating, i have keldorn lvl11, two lvl 12 mages, me fighter 12/druid 6-7 aerie lvl 10-11 or so in both classes and jaheira lvl 10/12 or something like that.
If you could suggest anything at all that would help me here i would be very grateful.