One of the things that impress me the most about Morrowind is the sheer number of books you can find. it just seems like a lot of work writing all those books when only a small precentage of gamers read even a few of the many books out there. Still, it's an impressive aspect of the game.
That's why I bring you the book of the month club! It could be fun to bring up some of the best books we've read, and see what other people think, as well. The only requirement is that you need to know the full title of a book before you start going off about it. The rest of us aren't going to find a copy of the book if you refer to it as "the story of that one guy that killed the other dude, and then got the big sword-thing". Full titles, please.
So anyway, I just read "The Black Arrow", parts 1 and 2. A story that really urges you onwards, and with a very cool ending that will make you sit & think for a few seconds. It's a book you can't put down until you've finished it! (granted it takes all of 5 minutes to read it, but that's ok) Recommended...
Also, I just finished reading "Palla", a story of a lost mage initiate that meets the love of his life. A bizarre twist (That I did -not- see coming) at the end of what is a pretty long book makes it a really good read. Quality.
Anybody else have any good books? It would be fun if this could be a thread where people discuss their favorites, and get tips from others on what to look for. There are so many books out there that no-one can read them all. Also, it's better to just read the best ones!