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Weapon Damage

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Weapon Damage

Post by ezra »

I notice some numbers next to a weapon in the equipment screen, I figured this is damage, example 215 (+99), but sometimes the number in the () changes, especially magic weapons, sometimes (0), sometimes (-99), why is this, my characters strength stats are maxed so I don't thik it's that, the wepond seem to kill everything just as well, do they wear out??? just wondering.
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Post by Durandal »

The number in parentheses is how much damage you would be gaining or losing if you switched to that weapon. For example, if you are weilding a weapon that does 200 damage and are looking at one that does 150 damage, it would say 150 (-50) because you're losing 50 points of damage. Alternately if you are weilding one that does 200 damage and look at one that does 250, it would say 250 (+50).

I hope that was clear enough.
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Post by ezra »



like crystal, now if I can find out if that dragon quest is true
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Post by Obsidian »

Question answered, thread closed.

BTW there is no dragon, just do a forum search for it.
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