Weapon Damage
Weapon Damage
I notice some numbers next to a weapon in the equipment screen, I figured this is damage, example 215 (+99), but sometimes the number in the () changes, especially magic weapons, sometimes (0), sometimes (-99), why is this, my characters strength stats are maxed so I don't thik it's that, the wepond seem to kill everything just as well, do they wear out??? just wondering.
The number in parentheses is how much damage you would be gaining or losing if you switched to that weapon. For example, if you are weilding a weapon that does 200 damage and are looking at one that does 150 damage, it would say 150 (-50) because you're losing 50 points of damage. Alternately if you are weilding one that does 200 damage and look at one that does 250, it would say 250 (+50).
I hope that was clear enough.
I hope that was clear enough.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not"
-Kurt Cobain
-Kurt Cobain