Banters Party :
- Female PC (I used a Fighter/Druid)
- Kelsey or Tsujatha (Romance) ... but I'll recommend Kelsey, since he has special Banters with Keto!
- Keto (LOTS of Banters)
- Whoever suits you : I used Mazzy, Keldorn and Jan, since they all have cool banters .. except Keldorn.. his banters with the PC are a bit borring. Edwin could be cool to had! He's always funny in his banters with Jan. I would like to see what he says to Keto/Kelsey
Powerhouse :
- Male/Female PC (I would use a Swashbuckler/Fighter dual-class, or any other sort of half-thief or plain thief)
- Viconia
- Korgan
- Edwin
- Tsujatha
- YouKnowWhoInToB...
Tsujatha is only a 2nd copy of Edwin... but with a totally different Background. He's a Necromancer that isn't from Faerun, and stars ... lvl 13!!! (So don't get him too early). He's a good spellcaster, that can cast alot of spells!
Viconia is the best cleric of the game... especially because she can charm a lich at high level (I charmed Kangaax at level 16+... pretty funny to see!)
Korgan is one of the best tanks... if it is not THE #1. Crohm Faeyr and Axe of Unyielding, and you're ready for slaying.
Edwin his a pretty cool plain spellcaster with alot of spells from his necklace! Lots of funny banters with everyone too. Add Robe of Vecna, and you're ready to shoot spells.
YouKnowWhoInToB ... I won't spoil here =)
In this party, you could romance either Viconia or Tsujatha...