No no no no no, when he said Aerie died with nothing to do with the vampirism effect. Read the earlier threads and you will see that Aerie died due to massive damage.
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
[QUOTE=Galuf the Dwarf]Those instances do happen, but I've had times where I've had a character that died of massive damage and their corpse exploded. Ouchies. [/QUOTE]
That happens when he's killed by a critical hit, I believe.
Well, generally a critical hit will cause massive damage, but the exploding effect occurs anytime the character is driven below -10 HP. So if an NPC is at 1 HP and and receives 12 HP he/she will explode regardless of whether it was due to a critical hit.
JackOfClubs is right. Really strong characters will cause most smaller critters to explode all the time due to massive damage, but these aren't frequently critical hits. If your normal mage or thief makes someone explode into bloody fragments, then you can almost always assume it's been a critical hit. Do bodies explode from massive magical damage, though? If someone goes below that -10 hp mark from a magical attack, do they still explode?
Any man who asks for greater authority does not deserve to have it.
--Tercero Xavier Harkonnen, to the Salusan Militia
The Council of Four Perverts: (1) Magrus (2) Darth Zenemij (3) Erenor (4) Luis Antonio
Washing your hands is important if you cook your breakfast.