Confessions of a cheese player:
I did it! I pickpocketed EVERYONE my first game through 'cause I was broke! I didn't KNOW it was going to net me two Rings of the Ram, I really didn't!
At the time, I didn't know that you could use the much MORE cheesy strategy of selling and stealing items repeatedly from fences (and that's "legal")
I never thought of pickpocketing Kangaxx, and didn't have time to do so, but I MIGHT! I might just decide to see what it's like to have TWO rings of Gaxx in one of my multiple runthroughs! And you can't stop me! Muahahaha
I once played through Baldur's Gate 1 with all my character's stats set to 25 with Gatekeeper! YES I DID! (and you know what, it wasn't a whole hell of a lot of fun and I never did it again)
I have also used the Import/Export trick in BG1 to get ALL my multiplayer characters one of each of the tomes and one of each of the dreams so that I could develop six characters at a time to import into BGII! Heck, they are all Bhaalspawn, I told myself! If I played them through singly, they would all get those tomes and dreams for themselves! I have JUSTIFIED that particular cheese! So there!
I have re-rolled for upwards of an hour to get stats that I like. (Yes, I DO have a life, I just like this game better

In BG1 I reload (I usually limit myself to a maximum of five reloads per character, but cheese nonetheless) every time I level to get the maximum hp possible. I also save and reload if I fail to scribe a spell. (Actually, since your spells don't transfer over to BGII I don't bother with this any more.) Fortunately for me, that particular cheese is built in to BG2-"Normal" rules.
And at least once, I INTEND to GET the big metal unit, and to USE it! For me, however, that means I gotta play through BG1 once more so I can import a character with the silly golden pants, cause I don't know how to use Clua and don't want to. But if you WANT to create golden pants with Clua, if that's YOUR cheese, BE MY GUEST!
Pick your cheese, boys and girls! Part of the thing that makes these games so re-playable are the multiple options for cheese/nocheese and the fact that you can continue to make the game challenging or easy in so many ways!
And in case you weren't sure, this whole post is very tongue in cheek, but it is all true, this is MY Cheese and I LIKE IT!
Oh, AND, since I'm confessing to ALL the cheese I can think of, my monk uses "Draw Upon Holy Might" so that she can wear Keldorn's Armor
[ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: Laurelei ]