I attack the guard(resist arrest) and totally beat the crap out of him. normally there would be a 1040 bounty on my head, but the only guy that the witnesses could report the crime to, I just killed, so there is a 36 gold bounty on my head for assault (whoop dee dooo!!!!!). take all his stuff. You will be overencumbered. That is when the redguard's adrenaline rush comes in handy. now i can hold 5 or 600 pounds. Run to the merchant and sell your stuff. It might take 5 days. You make about 15,000 per guard. when you're done and you walk outside, a new guard appears
With the money i made, i bought skills at the vivec arena, and in about 4 hours from the beginning, I'm level 8! I'm already doing morag tong missions!