2. STRONGER BOSSES PLEASE! I wonder why Jack is the most feared being in Albion...
3. BLACK-OUT IN MAKING LOVE? Grrrrr... Isn't killing innocent people more evil than seeing... well, you know... just an opinion.
4. TIRED OF GROUND OR EARTH. How about swimming through waters and unlocking the treasures there rather than fishing for them (which I think is stupid) and killing aquatic creatures? How about warping to different worlds outside Albion like the heaven and hell. Make heaven the destination of those aligned to good and hell otherwise.
5. BE CAREFUL OF ERRORS. I pulled the Harbringer already but the people around are still pulling and chattering about it. I finished the Archery Competition, Temple of Avo and Chapel of Skorm quests but they are still in my current quests.
6. MORE RIDDLES. I like the idea about the statue and the Bowerstone Tavern Cellar until I only got a leather chest piece. I think they wasted the idea. Same thing with the Hidden Booty Hunt Quest. Okay, it's comic but forgetable.
But still, Fable is so good, a game I couldn't drop. I'll post more suggestions soon when I've thought of some already.[/QUOTE]
upon that note on swimming: WHY CANT WE JUMP: we see whisper jump up like a balvarine and we have seen all the balvarines do it why cant we.
i totally agree on number 3. also more stuff to do with the good and evil stuff. when good: wings grow and you will float/hover and the people would start giving you stuff such as potions and gold. Evil: (interactive environment: literally) plants that are around will start to decay and leavs would fall off and people who fear you will not only run away but will grovel at your feet(grovel before the mightey chicken chaser (also, your own personal suck up/body gaurd (THANK YOU FABLE 1.01) that anounces your name everywhere you go). dude that idea with the tattoos is so f*ing awsome I can't believe i never thought of that!!!! dud u r so smart man. upon that note: BODY PEIRSINGS (toung ring, belly button ring, lip ring ear ring and the occasional prince albert). changing seasons would be cool such as snow (not just in one area), rain (not just on the island (i can't believe people in oakvale can actually farm without rain)). probably a difficulty setting would work just fine: Hard: 3 times the enemeys and all bosses have reurection phails, normal: regular amount of enemeys and all bosses have one resurection phail (if we have it why can't they?), easy: (who on earth would do this) one enemy per area (assuming the area alows enemeys) and all bosses have no resurection phails and also are as easy as Jack of blades or twinblade (the only real hard boss i would say would be Maze). and you shouldn't just be kicked out of a town, if you do an offence like that (whatever it was) again, you should go to bargate prison (and pull another hudini). o and relating to the renown, when you get to legendary, after that you become a legend and than you become a myth and people will build you a temple and (as they do when you are evil) grovel at your feet (but with the twist of good) and throw you gold potions and gifts as you walk in the temple or where ever you go. and there should be more break the seige type quests. and the guild should stay opened when you finish because even when you throw away the sword and it says you achived something like world peace, there are still enemeys. (that reminds me: the enemeys should get stronger and stronger as you progress not just to stop and have a limit to their power but to keep getting stronger as you do). on that thing about riddles: the treasure should have been a real treasure that you could sell rather than a piece of junk that is only good for about 1 and maby 1 1/2 laughs. if they want us to laugh every time we see it, it better be a lepricaun prancing around you giving you gold every time you kill a creature or thing or human and say: "this guy will beat the F*king Sht out of you so run your fat ass off!" this is only a suggestion that nobody would really accept and i don't care. and also: the people shouldn't look the same and also everybody should change: childeren (only found in bowerstone: the little creatures are every where who knows why: because the people in oakvale eat their young *evil laugh* (only joking) but seiriously there should be childeren at the least in every town) should grow into teenagers (strange little things that never show their face (wonder how bad it feels to be an only teenager in a village filled with childeren that either A.) make funn of you for being good or B.) will provoke you untill you satisfy their whish to do evil things) and than an adult (strangly enough they where all the same cloths and their are only about 2-3 faces per gender). they need people who dont look the same (if i wanted to play KOTR i would play it but i don't want to see the same gaurd attack me EVERY SINGLE TIME I KILL ONE OF THOSE BLOODY F*K FACES) But any whooooo, along the lines of the summon: as you get stronger in the summon: you should summon more of the (what ever it is) so lv. 1:1 lv. 2: 2 (you know what i am talking about). like the nymphs do! (summon the most annoying creature and summon lots of them (is it possible to get a nymph as a summon b/c that would totally be awsome to get more than 4 creatures for a level four summon). I would say more depth to a conversation: wise saying, joke (not chuckle) ( who the h311 laughs when some one chuckles randomly) and mabey tell a tale which could spread your renown ( i dont think waving a bodiless head would make someone remember you very well). and mabey
P.S. i am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very veyr very very very very very very sorry for all the curses that i (poorly) bleeped out. ( I have a very very (you get the picture) limited vocabulary) and upon my limited vocabulary i am stupid which leads to the conclustion that i didn't read any of the other messages so i probably re-stated something that other people already said