I just beat the game as a Ventrue male, staying pretty chummy with the Prince throughout. I'm now going through again as a Tremere female and intend to be friendly with the anarchs if that is possible (I'm not sure how much variation is possible until the end).
I'm thinking my next choice will be as a Nosferatu, because I'm curious how the whole "you can't interact with humans" thing will play out. Other than that only the Malkavians strikes with any particular interest, since they seem so screwy.
Obviously this is a pretty subjective question, but does anyone think I'll be missing any major treats with that particular set?
Also, I'm curious if there is a good site with fan made additions for the game- I looked but didn't find anything very readily. I might be interested in trying some new classes, skinpacks, or acquiring a "Heather doesn't die" mod (presuming there is more to it than her just not appearing in Hollowbrook, though I suppose you'd need the voice actress to do anything like that...)
Thanks for all the help!