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Ok Ok, first time playing it seriously.

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Ok Ok, first time playing it seriously.

Post by Luis Antonio »

Well, I've bought it. After tons of waiting, I've really bought it. I lended it from a friend some time ago, but it was no go. I was still playing BG tactics mod, so you get the picture.

Now I'm starting it again.

First issue; class. I've selected knight, but it seems pretty dull. All I keep doing is killing those (damn) cliff runners (now I'm about to reach lvl 5) on a dusty area near ghosttown (actually I've left that area, but I've been lost there for enough time to dispair). Wich class does give you hack n slash and spells (similar to BG Fighter/mage).

So, my axe is reaching 68 points. I still dont know what does that affect for real, but ok. My main preocupation is regarding spells. How to ensure that they'll cast? Will a miscasted spell raise my proficiency with the school? And will attempting but failing to unlock a chest do the same?

Also, there is the crime sistem. Everywhere I go, if I stole something the police would come and I'd pay. Ok. Fine. Now, in ghosttown I was slain after trying to steal a glass spear. Why is that? Its only a glass spear.

And also (lastly) do I need only silver weapons to defeat the undead? Or can I kill them with the other weapons? My character now wields a two handed axe and a silver longsword. the S longsword is used only against undead and those scrib I guess. For the rest, the iron axe works 100% fine. Will I need glass weapons to hit, say, a dragon? Will there be glass two handed axes? or even better two handed axes? :p

BTW, stunning nightsky, stunning sound, stunning game. WOW.
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Post by fable »

Luis, ignore classes. Focus on skill sets, and build your character the way you want. My suggestion, for what it's worth, is to put several magic skills, an armor type, and a weapon type in your major (and minor) skills. I include alchemy, because it lets you bypass buying from merchants and make potions for healing, curing curses and boosts in combat.

The crime system is primitive in the game: if you steal something around anybody, everybody in the world knows about it at once. Join the thieves' guild, and you'll be able to cheaply buy a "fix" when you get caught. This is pure cheese, since you get off the hook very easily for enormous crimes. I suggest that if you're playing on the PC, use a mod that makes those fixes more expensive.

Undead can be killed by a variety of weapons and spells, but they usually have an immunity (or at least a resistance) to one or several things: don't try a weapon with a fire attack on a fire elemental, for instance.
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Post by Rookierookie »

First issue; class. I've selected knight, but it seems pretty dull. All I keep doing is killing those (damn) cliff runners (now I'm about to reach lvl 5) on a dusty area near ghosttown (actually I've left that area, but I've been lost there for enough time to dispair). Wich class does give you hack n slash and spells (similar to BG Fighter/mage).
In Morrowind, killing is relatively unimportant. If you really, really wanted to, you can get away with killing only two things in the entire main quest, and you can STILL get to level 50 that way. Creating your own class is always better. Destruction is the school which gives you fireballs, lightning bolts, etc.
So, my axe is reaching 68 points. I still dont know what does that affect for real, but ok. My main preocupation is regarding spells. How to ensure that they'll cast? Will a miscasted spell raise my proficiency with the school? And will attempting but failing to unlock a chest do the same?
High weapons skill dramatically increases your chance of hitting a target with that weapon. You can't ensure that you cast a spell successfully. The best thing you can do is to increase your skill at the spell and increase your willpower.
Also, there is the crime sistem. Everywhere I go, if I stole something the police would come and I'd pay. Ok. Fine. Now, in ghosttown I was slain after trying to steal a glass spear. Why is that? Its only a glass spear.
Don't get caught stealing. And if I were one of the NPCs, and you stole my glass spear, I would kill you and your entire family, as well as everyone who knew you or ever talked to you. Glass spears are, apart from legendary weapons, the THIRD MOST VALUABLE spear in the entire game. The first two are Daedric and Ebony. Glass weapons and armour are extremely valuable in Morrowind.
And also (lastly) do I need only silver weapons to defeat the undead? Or can I kill them with the other weapons? My character now wields a two handed axe and a silver longsword. the S longsword is used only against undead and those scrib I guess. For the rest, the iron axe works 100% fine. Will I need glass weapons to hit, say, a dragon? Will there be glass two handed axes? or even better two handed axes?
Silver and anything better, or anything enchanted. All enchanted weapons can kill undead, regardless of enchantment - even an enchanted weapon that gives -100 strength to yourself when cast can be used against ghosts. Dwemer, Ebony, Glass, and Daedric are all effective against undead.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Well, but I have a hardcore deficit on Lockpicks. I've solved that by spending a lot of money on training at house Hlalu in Balmora. Damn, that thing drains money. Now I can open a few locks (still need more to improve for real). Following the directions given by you guys I've upgraded a bit my magic skills by buying training too. So the money of the first quests have been burnt entirely on training. Hope this is worth it. Also, I've noticed that training gives you levels. Is that true? And that being beat also may activate level ups :eek: That is spooky. If that was true in BG, for example, I'd have the top top top character by the time I hit trademeet :D

Also, I'm keeping a silver weapon nearby, and I'll improve my axe with a spell. But I need money, and the best source of money for me at this level is stealing. I've emptied half of the houses at balmora when the owners are out. Other thing (that proves the poor crime detection sistem theory) is that I'd steal from the houseowner by closing the room door where I was and keeping him out. Then I leave, smile and wave. And straight to the pawnbroker.

Well, let me see where do those dwarven ruins take me. Thanks for the help guys!
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Post by fable »

Well, but I have a hardcore deficit on Lockpicks.

Why invest in lockpicks, when you can learn a spell that does the same thing minus any need for continual expenditure?
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Post by Rookierookie »

I've solved that by spending a lot of money on training at house Hlalu in Balmora. Damn, that thing drains money.
The loot in Seyda Neen alone is more than enough to train your skills rather high, so I've no idea what you are talking about.
And that being beat also may activate level ups
Being beat increases your armour skill.
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Post by fable »

And that being beat also may activate level ups

You don't level up until you sleep, so if you have potions of Restore Health and Restore Magicka, you can theoretically never sleep and level up. The main reason for doing so would be to get large multiples on your attributes when you do finally sleep. So, if you make 10 levels in using a longsword (for example), when you sleep, you're offered as an option a jump of 5 points to your Strength attribute, because Strength is associated with the longsword skill. That's the maximum jump on an attribute that you'll be offered when you sleep. It can be anything from 1 to 5 points; obviously, the higher the better.

Since learning alchemy gives you a cheap supply of these restorative potions, I typically go that route (though I also have other reasons for doing so).
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Post by GA_Havoc »

I once had a strength jump of 7 (without mods or previous errors) when playing on x-box, has this ever happened to anyone else?
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Post by Luis Antonio »

@Fable: Now I understand why you say alchemy can be usefull. I had a 7 alchemy skill, and spend a helluva lot of cash on improving it. Now I'm practicing with mortars and simple herbs and selling it to improve my skills :D Intersting, indeed intersting.

@Rookierookie: Yeah, I noticed the pattern now. Anyway, stealing is not my stuff. I'm trying to play a good dumb knight :D

Killed a girl to get some haste boots. Cool. She wanted me to take her somewhere, but I was just tired of searching for that place. So, knocked her down and got the boots. Bingo :D
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Post by GA_Havoc »

If you want to avoid the pesky blind of it simply create a 2 second 100% res magicka spell, use the spell then put the boots on -> no more blind until equiped again without the spell. ;)
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Post by Coot »

If you want to roleplay as a good guy - meaning no stealing - explore lots of ruins. You can find lots of expensive items there.
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Post by fable »

Higher level alchemy sets will give you a bonus to success in making potions, and in making more powerful potions.

If you go to Caldera's Mage Guild, you'll find a master-level alchemy set unguarded in their tower. You can grab it if no one's around, and no one usually is. Quite a few herbs lying about in containers, as well.
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Post by dragon wench »

Regarding alchemy,
The higher your intelligence, the better your potions.
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Just along the coast from Seyda Neen, there is a tomb right at the water's edge. If you explore it, you'll eventually come across a large, trapped urn "containing Lord Brynn's Ashes." It also holds a very nice ring (Mentor's Ring) that provides 10 points of intelligence and 10 points of willpower at constant effect.) Very handy! :D
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Post by Lestat »

Concerning the alchemy: higher levels will also help in the sense that you 'detect' more uses for ingredients (ie instead of only usable for a potion for raising strength it can also be used to make a potion to raise health). If you up it far enough, you'll discover three uses for most ingredients. I played the game through only once (I just didn't find the courage to restart after months of playing), but I found alchemy and the enchanting skill extremely useful. No more going to the shop for your magic necessities! (I was even more on the selling side on the potion market).
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Post by Rookierookie »

One fairly nice trick is to go to Suran and find the pawnbroker. He has a glass dagger on sale, but because it is very badly damaged you can buy it cheap. Then buy some armourer hammers, repair the dagger, go to Caldera, and sell the dagger to creeper. Costs you less than 500 IIRC, and earns you 4000.
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Post by TheKAEnchanter »

also, to improve atheltics as well as get money, there's nothing like perl diving. on a similar vein, there's nothing for map experience and your speech craft skill then going arround and bribing every transport person and shop owner you can find.
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Post by Rookierookie »

If only we lived in a perfect world without slaughterfish.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]If only we lived in a perfect world without slaughterfish.[/QUOTE]

For those who own a PC, there's a mod which will turn 'em passive. ;)
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Oh, and the Cliff Racers? I mean, they are IRRITATING... Do someone knows of a mod? Slaughterfish at least wont keep like "cree cree" behind you every 3 steps you walk.
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Post by fable »

Yes, there's also a mod to take out the cliff racers. I've seen it on Morrowind Summit, though it's been some time.
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