Hi, just bought the PC version of Morrowind (Game of the Year, with Tribunal and Bloodmoon), and well, what can I say? Great, magnificent, unbelievably beautiful!
Now since I first want to start a 'beginner's game' so to put it, and to make it easy, I read http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/ ... ginner.txt , even making the exact character listed there. Now, if you will check 'Appendix C' about the 'cheating', it claims it should be possible to kill the first characters you meet without any repercussions. After spending about 15 minutes hacking away at the armoured guard (he has a name, can't remember now... but that armour is looking fine) in the room where you create your character, he's practically dead... but my dagger is broken as well, I can't seem to find any new weapons, and my fists don't seem to do any damage. Any advice? It also claims it should be possible to steal the items in the first room; the 650 value plate is looking especcially appealing. Again any advice? Maybe some advice on other stuff, such as character creation? Thanks. And don't think I'm too lazy to check out the faqs either, while I'm waiting for responses on this, I'm reading every faq I can find.
EDIT: Link corrected