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Beginning and looking to 'cheat'

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Beginning and looking to 'cheat'

Post by Incertainty »

Some help?

Hi, just bought the PC version of Morrowind (Game of the Year, with Tribunal and Bloodmoon), and well, what can I say? Great, magnificent, unbelievably beautiful! :)
Now since I first want to start a 'beginner's game' so to put it, and to make it easy, I read ... ginner.txt , even making the exact character listed there. Now, if you will check 'Appendix C' about the 'cheating', it claims it should be possible to kill the first characters you meet without any repercussions. After spending about 15 minutes hacking away at the armoured guard (he has a name, can't remember now... but that armour is looking fine) in the room where you create your character, he's practically dead... but my dagger is broken as well, I can't seem to find any new weapons, and my fists don't seem to do any damage. Any advice? It also claims it should be possible to steal the items in the first room; the 650 value plate is looking especcially appealing. Again any advice? Maybe some advice on other stuff, such as character creation? Thanks. And don't think I'm too lazy to check out the faqs either, while I'm waiting for responses on this, I'm reading every faq I can find. ;)

EDIT: Link corrected
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Post by GA_Havoc »

For starters, Only Race and Birthsign make a real difference.
All skills can be trained to their natural max (100) by using the skill or buying training, so your best bet to a good start is to make money anyway you can and pick a weaponskill/school as one of your main skills.
If you want to steal you can just open your items menu and take everything you can see, putting them in your inventory (like the expensive platter ;) ) then dropping them anywhere.
You'll be aprehended but lose no items since you're not holding them, when your done stealing in the guard's line of sight you can safely pick everything up.
Make sure that if you're going to sell your loot in Seyda Neen you give the engraved ring of healing to the Wood Elf, that will improve the merchant's disposition.

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Post by Rookierookie »

Even for the most inept player a game on easiest or even normal difficulty should not present any challenge. Don't bother killing the people in the first room. Just steal the key and the limeware plate, immediately drop them, pick them up again, and from there onwards, steal only when no one is looking.
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Post by goblinfoundry »

Is it cheating if the game lets you do it?

Heh, that's one of the great things about Morrowind. The world/game-play is so open-ended. I spent months just tooling around and exploring before I "returned" to the regularly scheduled plot line.

I wouldn't worry about killing off these characters at the beginning. The game is very well-balanced, and there's plenty of opportunity to obtain money and power.
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Post by Incertainty »

Ok, just restarted with an orc fighter, thinking that would be a nice simple start for a first run through the game. So far, things are looking good enough; got near 900 gold, a full suit of heavy armour with some spares, good weaponry,... Now I have some questions, so if anyone could help out? 1/ Where do you sell Moon Sugar and Skooma? 2/ How do you use your armourer skill? 3/ I just cleared the cave with the three slaves and the mage, freed the slaves, but when I returned to carry of the rest of the loot, they were gone. Is there any advantage to having freed them? 4/ Already I'm having trouble carrying everything; any advice? 5/ I'm finding a lot of ingredients all over the place, and I'm kind of reluctant to sell them; again, any advice? Thanks.
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Post by dragon wench »

Any of the khajiit merchants will buy skooma or moon sugar usually. Try Aljira down in the Balmora mage's guild, and also Rhavi'r (sp?) just next door, he is a general trader.

From my experience, you need to train up a fair amount (at least level 45 or 50) before you can effectively repair armor and weapons. You need an armoror's hammer or repair tongs. Go to your inventory and simply drop the hammer into your paper doll image.

As far as carrying things goes. It depends on if you are playing on PC or Xbox. If you are on PC there are huge numbers of house mods you can download.(check the Summit--see the MW Yellowpages here for the link, and search under houses) If on X Box, you can live in a cave (like the one you just cleared) and stow your stuff in the containors there, or you can take over a residence you like somewhere. I can think of at least 2 in Balmora. One is related to a fighter's guild quest, and another is associated with House Hlaalu (though you don't have to join Hlaalu for the quest).
Some people just murder everyone in the residences they like, but that depends on play style. You also need to be careful about randomly killing NPCs since some are important for quests and so on.
If you join one of the Great Houses you'll eventually acquire your own stronghold, but that can take a while.
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Post by Incertainty »

Thanks, I'll try and look for a mod. On the side, while I was looking for the tax collector's corpse, I suddenly heard a scream followed by a loud smack, and I found the corpse of a guy with two scrolls increasing athletics to 1000 for 7 seconds, and a journal stating he was a mage looking for a new way of travelling; pretty funny all in all - did anyone else ever encounter this, or another weird situation?
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Incertainty]Thanks, I'll try and look for a mod. On the side, while I was looking for the tax collector's corpse, I suddenly heard a scream followed by a loud smack, and I found the corpse of a guy with two scrolls increasing athletics to 1000 for 7 seconds, and a journal stating he was a mage looking for a new way of travelling; pretty funny all in all - did anyone else ever encounter this, or another weird situation?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's the one interesting and distinctive use of scripting in realtime that was included in MW. It was strongly publicized before the game's release. I only wish the development team had truly made use of that kind of coding, rather than as a grandstanding effort to help sell the title to reviewers. :rolleyes:

That said, I love the effect. I've even seen it closeup, since depending upon the angle in which you approach the area, you may actually see the guy fall to his death. Those scrolls are worthless--as magic, but you can certainly sell them for good money.
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Post by Incertainty »

Thanks. It seems that, with this new character, I'm finally beginning to get the hang of things :) ; that being said, I'm still wondering about the slaves. Any idea?
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Post by fable »

There's no advantage to freeing the slaves within the game as it is. There are 3 separate quest mods, though, that let you free slaves as part of a secret organization, complete with rewards. Nevana's is the best, in my opinion. You can find it up on Morrowind Summit.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=fable]There's no advantage to freeing the slaves within the game as it is. There are 3 separate quest mods, though, that let you free slaves as part of a secret organization, complete with rewards. Nevana's is the best, in my opinion. You can find it up on Morrowind Summit.[/QUOTE]

If you free enough of them you do get access to [highlight]... The in-game Twin Lamps quests. Though, they aren't very fleshed out. So yes indeed, something like Nevana's is a good addition.
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Post by Rookierookie »

And you can take their bracers and get away with a warm fuzzy feeling inside :p
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=dragon wench]If you free enough of them you do get access to [highlight]... The in-game Twin Lamps quests. Though, they aren't very fleshed out. So yes indeed, something like Nevana's is a good addition.[/QUOTE]

True, there is a very flimsy quest in the game--I should have pointed that out. My bad! It's actually the stump of something that (so the devs told me, once) was supposed to become a lot more, but had to be cut due to time pressures. It's really not worth it, IMO. Nevana does a far better job, and you can actually choose which side--the slavers, or the enslaved--to favor.
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Post by Incertainty »

Ok, some more questions...
1/ How do you use your bartering skill? I selected mercantile as a minor skill to start with, yet I still seem to be selling for far less than the items worth
2/ Besides your inventory/ magic/ map menu, is there a place where you can look up your stats and skills?
3/ Is luck a good stat to raise, even if selecting it only increases it 1 pt?
4/ Still looking for a house... does anyone have any specific tips for a specific house, preferably in Balmora? Prefering not to have to slaughter any residents, but if that's the only way... maybe a cave?

EDIT: Realized the answer to question 2: I'm missing my stat menu! Where do I get it? Did I mis anything? Is it to late to go back? I already delivered the package...
EDIT2: I also figured out the bartering - reading the manual helps :rolleyes:
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Post by GA_Havoc »

1- A high mercantile will lower the buying price and also the selling price, you will also have better ability to raise the selling price and lower the buying price even further.
You can make the merchant like you better (untill you end conversation/trade) by constantly buying and selling a '1 gold' priced item, good personality will also increase disposition.

3- I don't know the facts behind 'luck', but I've noticed an increasing chance to find good loot out of chests.
The description for luck claims it raises all your skills a bit so I always raise it fast.
Best bet to raise luck is choosing it as your main attribute and raising it every lv (if you keep lvling you'll be able to max all attributes), there's also a quest that increases your highest attribute and lowers your lowest attribute (before using it drain all abilities untill they are lower than your luck ;) ).

4- If it's your desire to have a place of your own you could build a stronghold, otherwise you can follow through the Morrowind main quest and eventually an empty house (the house of Caius Cosades) will be available.
There is another quest (from the fightersguild) that asks you to kill an orc in her house in Balmora, doing this will complete the quest and empty the house for you.
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Post by Incertainty »

Thanks :) Now, how do I obtain my stats menu? Or am I not supposed to have it yet?
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Post by GA_Havoc »

After following through the first guided steps (charactermaking, taking the ring from container and receiving package for Caius and going out the door I got every menu, if you just started I advice trying over again, you should have "complete freedom" after those first steps.
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Post by Incertainty »

Well, I already got my first level-up, and I remember the part where they say 'you're on your own' but I never got my stat-menu... Maybe if you can just tell me where you usually get it, I can go there and check it out? In any case, I'll return and check out the area and talk to some people. If anyone can tell me where and when you're supposed to get the stat menu, it'll be helpful, thanks.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=GA_Havoc]1- A high mercantile will lower the buying price and also the selling price, you will also have better ability to raise the selling price and lower the buying price even further.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if you meant this, but the Mercantile skill is bugged. While you can buy items for less, you also get less for the items you sell. This has never been fixed.
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Post by GA_Havoc »

Ah, yeah that's what I meant, but also your ability to change the prices.
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