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Post by Incertainty »

So it doesn't pay off at all? Now, I went back to Seyda Neen, the Census Office, but I still didn't get my stat menu; and now that I think of it, I never got one in my first game either. Can anyone tell me precisely where and when you are supposed to get it? I got my inventory, my map, and my magic, but that's it. :confused: :confused: :confused:
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Post by GA_Havoc »

I just now started a new game, I come of the boat, enter the first building, talk to Socucius Ergalla and after that I got my statsmenu.
Mercantile does pay off, you can ask for much more when you sell stuff then is first offered, and you can bargain down the price of items you buy much more efficiently.
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Post by Incertainty »

*VERY embarrassed look* I did have a stat menu... I only somehow never got around to activating it. Sorry!
About the house thing; would the house in Seyda Neen of the tax collector's murderer I killed serve as a decent temporary 'storage room'? Can I put my items in the chests without having to worry about the chests 'respawning' and losing my items? Or can I just throw them on the floor? Anyway, can I claim this house?
btw: thanks for the help
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Post by GA_Havoc »

There are no guards inside, so have fun with your new home :D .
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Post by Incertainty »

So if there aren't any guards, you can claim it? A home at last! :)
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Post by Rookierookie »

GA Havoc, what happened to 2? :rolleyes:
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Post by GA_Havoc »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]GA Havoc, what happened to 2? :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

2/ Besides your inventory/ magic/ map menu, is there a place where you can look up your stats and skills?

EDIT: Realized the answer to question 2: I'm missing my stat menu! Where do I get it? Did I mis anything? Is it to late to go back? I already delivered the package...

I read this post after the first edit, so no need to answer '2'. :p
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Post by Incertainty »

Yes, the stat menu is fixed by now. I really don't know how I never got around to activating it :D Anyways, thanks for all the help. Another thing I was wondering: I have gotten used to wearing a brown robe over my suit of armor - now I was wondering, while this robe does have a hood, it's always hanging back. Are there robes in the game where you can actually wear the hood as well? Or is this mod's territory?
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Post by GA_Havoc »

Definately a mod required. :(
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Incertainty]now I was wondering, while this robe does have a hood, it's always hanging back. Are there robes in the game where you can actually wear the hood as well? Or is this mod's territory?[/QUOTE]

There are mods that provide robes with hoods that can be worn. Check up on Morrowind Summit in their database, searching for clothing.
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Post by Incertainty »

Ok, thnx; it sure seems this is going to stick around for a while. Now some other questions: can you choose whether to slash, chop, or thrust with a weapopn, if so, how? About enchanting: how do you do it? Can someone do it for you? What is required? I have found some items with charges, are these still magical when the charges run out? How can you permanently enchant an item? Thanks
EDIT: additional question: I know some guilds/factions oppose each other; but is there actually a negative effect to rising within several of them at the same time?
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Post by giles337 »

[QUOTE=Incertainty]Ok, thnx; it sure seems this is going to stick around for a while. Now some other questions: can you choose whether to slash, chop, or thrust with a weapopn, if so, how? About enchanting: how do you do it? Can someone do it for you? What is required? I have found some items with charges, are these still magical when the charges run out? How can you permanently enchant an item? Thanks
EDIT: additional question: I know some guilds/factions oppose each other; but is there actually a negative effect to rising within several of them at the same time?[/QUOTE]

While moving forward/backward you will thrust, side to side you will slash, and standing still or moving diagonall, you will chop. The manual comes in handy again there, methinks ;)

Enchanting ,can be done yourself, but is a waste of soul gems at a low level, as it'll more than likely fail. You can pay someone to do it, but it's expensive. The items are magical with charge or not, it's just when they run out of charge, their effects won't work until they recharge (which you can also do yourself with souldgems) To "permanently" enchant an item, known as Constant Effect, or CE you need the sould of :spoiler?: (highlight) A golden saint, winged twighlight, or one of the gods (vivec/almalexia) in a grand souldgem. Take that to an enchanter, and you can make a magic item that does whatever, constantly, and without need to "recharge"

And as for the guilds, the only problem is a glitch between the thieves/fighters guilds. I reccomend you read up on that, as I am not sure of all the details... Maybe someone here can help you. I'd avoid joining either guild until you've heard the problem, and made your mind up. :)
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Post by Incertainty »

Ok, thanks. Now, about the whole enchanting. The thing that really has me wondering is, that, while I know that with an infinite amount of playing time you could potentially max out all skills, it's the stats (strength, intelligence, personality,...) that have me worried. A lot of the 'intellectual' activities - alchemy, enchanting, and so on, have their succes rate based on, besides the skill itself, your intelligence, right? Now, since I assume you can not level up infinitely, the big question for me is, can you improve your stats in any other way than by levelling? If not, I should start improving my now very meagre (30) intelligence by now. But someone else told me literally:
...forget the infinite amount of time, I did it with the Ordinator Trick, a Rich Creeper, and the Master Trainers in about 30 hours one week...
Could someone please provide me with some explanation on both the levelling up of stats besides levelling up (possible? how?) and the process described above?


EDIT: figured out the money-making capacities of the method described above on my own - but how is that supposed to help enchanting? The trick of buying fortify intelligence potions - making better potions, raising my intelligence to a couple of 1000's, and THEN enchanting? And no, I did NOT figure that out on my own ;) So is there no need whatsoever to raise my intelligence? Thanks.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=giles337]And as for the guilds, the only problem is a glitch between the thieves/fighters guilds. I reccomend you read up on that, as I am not sure of all the details... Maybe someone here can help you. I'd avoid joining either guild until you've heard the problem, and made your mind up. :) [/QUOTE]

There is another slight conflict with the guilds. Make sure you have done the Balmora mage's guild quest that requires you to investigate "unsanctioned training," prior to joining the thieve's guild. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete that particular quest.

Regarding enchanting. As you have already read, you *can* create enhance intelligence potions and push your intelligence well into the thousands. This is both tedious and cheesy though. Given how rich you become in the game, even without trying very hard, it is much easier to just pay an enchanter to do it for you.

On another note, be careful what kinds of enchantments you place on items. Some of them can really be extemely unbalancing; given that the game already lacks challenge once you progress beyond around level 10 or 15, this is something you might want to avoid.
IMO, the best enchantments are those that help you get around, like levitation, water walking, water breathing and slowfall.
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Post by Rookierookie »

There is another slight conflict with the guilds. Make sure you have done the Balmora mage's guild quest that requires you to investigate "unsanctioned training," prior to joining the thieve's guild. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete that particular quest.
False, the conflict is with the Fighter's Guild and the code book mission; you will be unable to complete the code book mission if you join the thieves guild. The Argonian isn't even in the thieves' guild.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]False, the conflict is with the Fighter's Guild and the code book mission; you will be unable to complete the code book mission if you join the thieves guild. The Argonian isn't even in the thieves' guild.[/QUOTE]

You are wrong Rookie. This is a different conflict. I am well aware of the one you are referring to :rolleyes:
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Post by GA_Havoc »

[QUOTE=giles337]To "permanently" enchant an item, known as Constant Effect, or CE you need the sould of :spoiler?: (highlight) A golden saint, winged twighlight, or one of the gods (vivec/almalexia) in a grand souldgem.

Small flaw here: winged twighlight doesn't give CE, Ascended Sleeper does.

Increasing your enchantskill will not only allow better enchanting, but also faster charge-regeneration.

One thing about the figher/thieves guild conflict is, if you join thieves prior to doing a certain quest for the Balmora fightersguildleader (forgot her name :rolleyes: ) this quest can't be completed and she won't give you any other quests.
While this is somewhat of a pity you can still get enough quests from other fightersguilds in order to become grandmaster.
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Post by Rookierookie »

You are wrong Rookie. This is a different conflict. I am well aware of the one you are referring to
Fact: I have just completed that quest, and I was in both the Thieves and Mages guild.
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