what i want outta this game.....
I would have to agree with Morril...stick with the basic structures that RPG was made for. As an old DandD player, it seems with Morrowind. you can become too powerful, too fast. Stick to the values of your character. Fighters have little or no magic..etc.
I would have to agree with Morril...stick with the basic structures that RPG was made for. As an old DandD player, it seems with Morrowind. you can become too powerful, too fast. Stick to the values of your character. Fighters have little or no magic..etc.
You tell me YOUR name Horsemaster and I will tell you MINE! 
- Rookierookie
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Well, from what we see of the AI, I doubt you can do it any other way 
The evil nature of GameBanshee revealed below!
GameBanshee sells Xandax to make ends meet
Then, as if that was not enough, they decide to get rid of me via sweepstakes as well
GameBanshee sells Xandax to make ends meet
Then, as if that was not enough, they decide to get rid of me via sweepstakes as well
- William Bobo
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[QUOTE=fable]I'd like to see repeat shoplifting offenders literally thrown out of any merchant shop as soon as they entered it, for a period of at least several game months. It stands to reason that if you get a reputation for stealing shop items, it's going to get around, and shop owners simply aren't going to tolerate your presence. I'd also like to see no magical way to avoid this. As it is, there are too many ways to jump up, around, go invisible, grab things and recall, etc.
Thieving should be just what the name implies: a matter of stealth, dexterity, and patience. If you can learn stealth simply by standing behind somebody or grab items by waiting for a person to turn away, then it isn't theft--it's cheese, in my opinion. I want to play a thief who finds shoplifting a real challenge, something you can only do successfully after you've trained a good while. It should be accomplishment, and even then, fraught with peril over being caught, because of the penalties attached.
That *is* what being a thief is all about in this fantasy world, isn't it? Challenging gameplay? Walking a tightrope? Learning the craft?[/QUOTE]
I totally agree!
It does seem that all RPG's are getting dumber not smarter, as if the gaming companies have to deal with the increasingly limited attention-span inflicted on younger players by the public schools, in the US anyway.
I have played RPG's for 20 years (my first was Wasteland I think) and while of course graphics and sound have improved the immersion factor has not. Gameplay I think is the word I am looking for.
I understand the economics - deep games demand deep pockets on the part of the developers. A simple hack-and-slash "RPG" fronted with a big-titted NPC on the box-cover will likely outsell anything that demands a bit of brainpower, OK like Arena
Thieving should be just what the name implies: a matter of stealth, dexterity, and patience. If you can learn stealth simply by standing behind somebody or grab items by waiting for a person to turn away, then it isn't theft--it's cheese, in my opinion. I want to play a thief who finds shoplifting a real challenge, something you can only do successfully after you've trained a good while. It should be accomplishment, and even then, fraught with peril over being caught, because of the penalties attached.
That *is* what being a thief is all about in this fantasy world, isn't it? Challenging gameplay? Walking a tightrope? Learning the craft?[/QUOTE]
I totally agree!
It does seem that all RPG's are getting dumber not smarter, as if the gaming companies have to deal with the increasingly limited attention-span inflicted on younger players by the public schools, in the US anyway.
I have played RPG's for 20 years (my first was Wasteland I think) and while of course graphics and sound have improved the immersion factor has not. Gameplay I think is the word I am looking for.
I understand the economics - deep games demand deep pockets on the part of the developers. A simple hack-and-slash "RPG" fronted with a big-titted NPC on the box-cover will likely outsell anything that demands a bit of brainpower, OK like Arena
[QUOTE=oozae]There thats a good reason for a bank. I remember someone said that it would be stupid if some NPC stole all your money from the bank, but I disagree, it would be good because then you would have to get some money and I think it would be interesting, you could even get the robber and get your money back. Or if you owned a business or something (which I hope they put into Oblivion) you might have to sell it. Well thats it, have a safe and enjoyable day or night
Well first of all are banks really necessary? Why not just store your money in your house/s. Your houses will be concidered safe zones where no NPCs can steal from... Second of all creating all of these little things like "NPCs robbing banks" sounds like a big waste of time unless you were to do it by scripted events which just be stupid IMO. No offense but that isn't an idea in the first place that many people would be happy with. Sorry but if there were banks and I put in 100K one of them, I'd be pretty damn pissed off if my money was gone (just about everyone would be and I doubt hardly anyone would even use them). Also as for the business thing... don't count on it unless you concider things like trading a buisness.
Well first of all are banks really necessary? Why not just store your money in your house/s. Your houses will be concidered safe zones where no NPCs can steal from... Second of all creating all of these little things like "NPCs robbing banks" sounds like a big waste of time unless you were to do it by scripted events which just be stupid IMO. No offense but that isn't an idea in the first place that many people would be happy with. Sorry but if there were banks and I put in 100K one of them, I'd be pretty damn pissed off if my money was gone (just about everyone would be and I doubt hardly anyone would even use them). Also as for the business thing... don't count on it unless you concider things like trading a buisness.
The Elder of Scrolls IV: Oblivion... What Fable Should Have Been
- cemaldonmez
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My thoughts on what Oblivion should have are: Thievery, Riding on creatures, Taking hostages, More Races, Work, Followers and own Guilds, Cut Scenes, Dead/Unconscious bodies and More Skills.
For those of you that have played Splinter Cell, you should know that there is a meter that tells you the suspicion of somebody, or the chance that you are caught. This should be done when sneaking around or hiding in shadows to steal something, unless your the type of guy who would rather walk into a bank or a building and just yell at someone to give money while sticking a knife at their neck.
Riding on creatures
I have heard that in Oblivion they might be having horses to ride on, what I propose is that any animal that you can tame should be rideable, including giant eagles, griffons, dragons, Large Lizards (not Argonians) and etc. Wouldn't it be fun to be soaring around the sky on a golden Dragon's back?
Taking hostages
One problem I have had in Morrowind is that when I commit a crime and the guards are surrounding me or overpowering me, I never have a hostage (also from Splinter Cell). Wouldn't it be much better to have a human shield, and to be able to get away from the guards? Though there is always the problem of them stabbing you through the back, just hope they don't stab through you and into the hostage.
More Races
In Morrowind, the basic races are Humans, Argonians, Elves and Orcs. Well, I ask, where are the Dwarves? And Gnomes? And Trolls? And all the other fantasy type Races we see in other games or movies or in a book. Dwarves would live in Gold Mines, Gnomes would live in Tree Houses and Trolls would live in Mountains.
In Morrowind while in Mournhold, I noticed a play that you could attend. Even though it was cut short because of an assassination attempt, I found it was enjoyable. But it also brought the one solitary question to my mind. Why can't you get a proper job? Like being an actor in front of hundreds of people? Or being the scriptwriter? Or being an author of a book which is then sold to many different areas? Or working at a pub or Inn or an Earthly Delights? What happens if you can't be bothered doing a quest or collecting herbs to sell, and if you just want to settle and work in an area for a bit?
Followers and own Guilds
There may have been some ideas for this, but I would like to press it further. For instance, if you happen to be a really evil guy and people have heard of your work they might join you in you quests (for whatever they may be). And if you managed to build a large building, and had lots of followers, you could start your own official or non-official guild. For example: The Readers Guild - for bookworms, the Invisible Guild for people who want to erase their lives or disappear. Or something like that.
Cut scenes
While playing through Morrowind I've noticed that in a lot of areas there could have been a cut-scene or movie to show or explain what is happening in the quest. Or just for some fun.
Dead/Unconscious bodies
This is something else I have "borrowed" of Splinter Cell. When you have killed or knocked out someone, and no one was around to see it until they happened to walk right on top of the body there should be a way to pick up the body and put it into a hiding spot. For an unconcious body you could tie them up to a tree and interrogate them, or hire someone to, so you can get information from them. If they still don't talk then give them a beating till they do, like in 'The Punisher' or other various games. There is also the idea to drug them, or starve them.
More Skills
If you have played "Runescape" (a MMORPG or a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), you would know of the skills to woodcutting, fire making, food making, pot making and the sort. These should be added to Elder Scrolls. Oh, and before I forget, you should be able to build your own buildings and homes. But it would take you a long time, and you would need a lot of resources. As I have said before you should also be allowed to tame a creature, to obey you or let you ride it.
"Who you begin as, you have no choice..."
"...who you end up as however, is entirely up to you."
Ral-Jiktar (Famous Female Argonian Hero)
- cemaldonmez
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- fable
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If you have played "Runescape" (a MMORPG or a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), you would know of the skills to woodcutting, fire making, food making, pot making and the sort. These should be added to Elder Scrolls.
If you knew the mods available to Morrowind, you'd know it's already been available for the past year.
The best known example is Complete Morrowind, by ~Nobody~, but there's another one around, as well. What it adds, quoting the readme file:
1-Cooking: This part gives the ability to cook. Now, you can cook\brew\make a huge variety of dishes; some new,and some old, originally found in morrowind. To cook something, equip any knife, pot, bowl, rolling pin, extractor, or pan, or activate a cauldron, and choose what you want.
For most of the dishes, you'll need to have fire(a torch or a candle), and for cooking\making liquids, you may also need a bottle or a jug. The recipes are either very easy to guess(Comberry juice is made from Comberry if you didn't know), or can be found somewhere in Morrowind, from books or dialogs. Try Talking to a publician\trader\scout\alchemist. It also adds a cooking skill, which rises when you cook something, and effects the chances to cook successfully, and not hurt yourself. A small tweak is that you'll have slightly better chances if you have an iron ladle while cooking something in a pot or a cauldron.
2-Sewing:This part adds the ability to sew. Now, you can make EVERY clothing item in morrowind in addition to the newly made Rugs, Pillows, and a usable bedroll! To sew something, either equip the "Portable Sewing Machine", or use a loom, and choose what you want. Bewre, that some choices may differ between the loom and the sewing machine.
To be able to sew successfully, you'll need to have a spool with some threads(visit any clothier to get one.), and some cloth(go to "Vivec, St Olms, Tailors and Dyers Hall" for unlimited supply.). For tailoring leather items you'll need an animal's skin\leather\hide. You also have a sewing skill, which will rise each time you sew something successfully(and sometimes even if unsuccesfully), and affect your chances of success.
3-Pottery: This one adds the ability to make pottery. Now, you can make every clay or glass item found in Morrowind! To begin working, activate a "Hearth", found in most Redoran Buildings. To make glass items, you'll need some raw glass, and to make clay items you need raw clay. Raw clay can be found in any glass\ebony\diamond mine, or in a random place, that suits it. This part also has a skill that controls it, and that will level-up as you work.
4-Wood Cutting: By activationg the "Replacer" you'll get the ability to chop down trees to get logs. To try to cut a tree, get an axe(ANY axe), and use(activate) any tree. You should get a messagebox telling you the result. There're 8 types of wood, each one with it's own uses and it's own textures matching the texture of the tree(which may change if you have a visual replacer)! [NO LIES, GUYS. I GOT A LIST OF ROUGHLY 10 ITEMS I COULD MAKE WITH AN OAK LOG, AND AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT LIST WITH A MUSHROOM LOG. AND THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF LOGS. MAX MUST HAVE SAT AROUND DRINKING JOLT COLA AND CHUCKLING TO HIMSELF FOR AN INORDINATELY LENGTHY AMOUNT OF TIME TO COME UP WITH THIS MANY WORKING, INTERESTING OPTIONS.]
*One small bug here: When you cut a tree that has fungi on it, they will remain. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to fix it, without removing them.*
5-Carpentry: To make a wooden item, equip a knife and choose to make wooden item, then choose the wood type,then the item. Some items need other materials except wood, like cloth, leather, straw and the like. To make a straw item, or set a campfire, equip straw, which can be found all over Vvanderfell, or gotten from a wickwheat\saltrice bush. Of course, all actions are controlled by a carpentry skill. This will enable you to create furniture, weapons, musical instruments, sewing machines, usable beds & much more!
A small addition is the ability to dry rotten logs for a chance to get usable dry ones, and the ability to make usable chests, and to lock furniture to the ground to give it collision. You must have an axe equipped, and you should activate the desired piece of furniture to perform this operation.
6-Mining: If you activate the "Replacer" ESP, you'll also have the ability to mine rocks to get ore. Not every rock, of course, bears ore, but almost half of them do. You can get iron, silver, or gold ore, which can be used for smithing. To try to mine something, activate a rock, while having a "miner's pick" in your inventory.
7-Smithing & Smelting: Here you can smelt ANY metal item to get different metal ingots, which then can be used to make other metal items. Now you can make EVERY normal weapon or armor found in Morrowind. This also includes the Daedric & Indoril Armor types, which you can smith only after learning the ways of its creation, through a quest and a special event. To smith something, activate an anvil, while having a hammer in your inventory. Every hammer will work. And to smelt something, activate a forge. You can also repair items using forges or anvils.
To begin the quest to find out the Indoril armor secrets, listen to rumors around Vivec. And to begin the event that leads into learning Daedric, you should be of a high level(20+), have a high smithing skill(80+), and be in good health. If all those conditions are met, when you sleep in the wilderness, there's a chance that you will be woken up, and the event will take place. However be aware that it only happens once, so if you couldn't complete it, you won't have another chance to acquire that divine knowledge.
A nifty little thing is that you can find ore around Vvanderfell, and then refine it to metal ingots, using a forge. You can also treat the ebony to make the special "treated" ebony needded for smithing Daedric items and convert iron to steel, by adding some scrap metal to it.
Note: If there's only "Bracer" or "Pauldron" or "Gauntlet", and not "Right Pauldron", "Left Bracer", etc, this means that you'll get a right one if you don't have it, otherwise, you'll get a left one. The causes for using this are tech isssues.
8-Making Bonemold\Chitin items: Just equip a knife and follow the instructions. You can get shells, from which bonemold items are made, and chitin by killing creatures with shells, or by taking them from kollops\barnicles\silt-strider shells.
9-Brewing poisons: This adds the ability to brew poisons. To brew a poison, you first need to find its recipe, then find the right ingredients, a bottle\pot\jug(if needed) & some fire. In the end, you need to equip\activate a pot, and choose "poisons", then choose the one you need. Features include:
1-9 types of Poisons, each one with its own effect & story, written by PurpleTooth.
2-The Brewing is controlled by ( ( Your Cooking Skill + Your Alchemy Skill ) / 2 ).
10-Making Arrows\Bolts\Throwing weapons: This is a compilation of previous parts, so corkbulb, chitin and bonemold projectiles or throwing weapons are made using a knife. However, Metal and Glass ones are made the same way as smithing things; by an anvil.
11-Poisoning Projectiles:To Poison an arrow, a bolt, or a throwing weapon, equip the poison, and choose the type, the material, and the quantity. Features:
1-243 types of projectiles\throwing weapons that can be made by the player by poisoning existing ones.
2-The Poisoning is controlled by ( ( Your Marksman Skill + Your Alchemy Skill ) / 2 ).
12-Filling your bottles with water from wells & drink from kegs: This is the simplest part. You just activate the keg\well, having a bottle in your inventory to fill it. You can drink water from wells to restore some health and fatigue by activating them. The kegs get refilled with new supply after two weeks.
13-Setting campfires and making straw objects: You just activate straw, that you can find in wickwheat or saltrice bushes, or any random location. A menu pops up to give you the choices. You must have logs in your inventory to successfully set a campfire.
Everything in this mod is made according to Elder Scrolls lore, so for example you will need a daedric soul to make a daedric item, or you will be able to make wooden items from corkbulb, as it is said in the ES Codex.
I've run the mod without problems, and it does all it claims.
If you knew the mods available to Morrowind, you'd know it's already been available for the past year.
1-Cooking: This part gives the ability to cook. Now, you can cook\brew\make a huge variety of dishes; some new,and some old, originally found in morrowind. To cook something, equip any knife, pot, bowl, rolling pin, extractor, or pan, or activate a cauldron, and choose what you want.
For most of the dishes, you'll need to have fire(a torch or a candle), and for cooking\making liquids, you may also need a bottle or a jug. The recipes are either very easy to guess(Comberry juice is made from Comberry if you didn't know), or can be found somewhere in Morrowind, from books or dialogs. Try Talking to a publician\trader\scout\alchemist. It also adds a cooking skill, which rises when you cook something, and effects the chances to cook successfully, and not hurt yourself. A small tweak is that you'll have slightly better chances if you have an iron ladle while cooking something in a pot or a cauldron.
2-Sewing:This part adds the ability to sew. Now, you can make EVERY clothing item in morrowind in addition to the newly made Rugs, Pillows, and a usable bedroll! To sew something, either equip the "Portable Sewing Machine", or use a loom, and choose what you want. Bewre, that some choices may differ between the loom and the sewing machine.
To be able to sew successfully, you'll need to have a spool with some threads(visit any clothier to get one.), and some cloth(go to "Vivec, St Olms, Tailors and Dyers Hall" for unlimited supply.). For tailoring leather items you'll need an animal's skin\leather\hide. You also have a sewing skill, which will rise each time you sew something successfully(and sometimes even if unsuccesfully), and affect your chances of success.
3-Pottery: This one adds the ability to make pottery. Now, you can make every clay or glass item found in Morrowind! To begin working, activate a "Hearth", found in most Redoran Buildings. To make glass items, you'll need some raw glass, and to make clay items you need raw clay. Raw clay can be found in any glass\ebony\diamond mine, or in a random place, that suits it. This part also has a skill that controls it, and that will level-up as you work.
4-Wood Cutting: By activationg the "Replacer" you'll get the ability to chop down trees to get logs. To try to cut a tree, get an axe(ANY axe), and use(activate) any tree. You should get a messagebox telling you the result. There're 8 types of wood, each one with it's own uses and it's own textures matching the texture of the tree(which may change if you have a visual replacer)! [NO LIES, GUYS. I GOT A LIST OF ROUGHLY 10 ITEMS I COULD MAKE WITH AN OAK LOG, AND AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT LIST WITH A MUSHROOM LOG. AND THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF LOGS. MAX MUST HAVE SAT AROUND DRINKING JOLT COLA AND CHUCKLING TO HIMSELF FOR AN INORDINATELY LENGTHY AMOUNT OF TIME TO COME UP WITH THIS MANY WORKING, INTERESTING OPTIONS.]
*One small bug here: When you cut a tree that has fungi on it, they will remain. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to fix it, without removing them.*
5-Carpentry: To make a wooden item, equip a knife and choose to make wooden item, then choose the wood type,then the item. Some items need other materials except wood, like cloth, leather, straw and the like. To make a straw item, or set a campfire, equip straw, which can be found all over Vvanderfell, or gotten from a wickwheat\saltrice bush. Of course, all actions are controlled by a carpentry skill. This will enable you to create furniture, weapons, musical instruments, sewing machines, usable beds & much more!
A small addition is the ability to dry rotten logs for a chance to get usable dry ones, and the ability to make usable chests, and to lock furniture to the ground to give it collision. You must have an axe equipped, and you should activate the desired piece of furniture to perform this operation.
6-Mining: If you activate the "Replacer" ESP, you'll also have the ability to mine rocks to get ore. Not every rock, of course, bears ore, but almost half of them do. You can get iron, silver, or gold ore, which can be used for smithing. To try to mine something, activate a rock, while having a "miner's pick" in your inventory.
7-Smithing & Smelting: Here you can smelt ANY metal item to get different metal ingots, which then can be used to make other metal items. Now you can make EVERY normal weapon or armor found in Morrowind. This also includes the Daedric & Indoril Armor types, which you can smith only after learning the ways of its creation, through a quest and a special event. To smith something, activate an anvil, while having a hammer in your inventory. Every hammer will work. And to smelt something, activate a forge. You can also repair items using forges or anvils.
To begin the quest to find out the Indoril armor secrets, listen to rumors around Vivec. And to begin the event that leads into learning Daedric, you should be of a high level(20+), have a high smithing skill(80+), and be in good health. If all those conditions are met, when you sleep in the wilderness, there's a chance that you will be woken up, and the event will take place. However be aware that it only happens once, so if you couldn't complete it, you won't have another chance to acquire that divine knowledge.
A nifty little thing is that you can find ore around Vvanderfell, and then refine it to metal ingots, using a forge. You can also treat the ebony to make the special "treated" ebony needded for smithing Daedric items and convert iron to steel, by adding some scrap metal to it.
Note: If there's only "Bracer" or "Pauldron" or "Gauntlet", and not "Right Pauldron", "Left Bracer", etc, this means that you'll get a right one if you don't have it, otherwise, you'll get a left one. The causes for using this are tech isssues.
8-Making Bonemold\Chitin items: Just equip a knife and follow the instructions. You can get shells, from which bonemold items are made, and chitin by killing creatures with shells, or by taking them from kollops\barnicles\silt-strider shells.
9-Brewing poisons: This adds the ability to brew poisons. To brew a poison, you first need to find its recipe, then find the right ingredients, a bottle\pot\jug(if needed) & some fire. In the end, you need to equip\activate a pot, and choose "poisons", then choose the one you need. Features include:
1-9 types of Poisons, each one with its own effect & story, written by PurpleTooth.
2-The Brewing is controlled by ( ( Your Cooking Skill + Your Alchemy Skill ) / 2 ).
10-Making Arrows\Bolts\Throwing weapons: This is a compilation of previous parts, so corkbulb, chitin and bonemold projectiles or throwing weapons are made using a knife. However, Metal and Glass ones are made the same way as smithing things; by an anvil.
11-Poisoning Projectiles:To Poison an arrow, a bolt, or a throwing weapon, equip the poison, and choose the type, the material, and the quantity. Features:
1-243 types of projectiles\throwing weapons that can be made by the player by poisoning existing ones.
2-The Poisoning is controlled by ( ( Your Marksman Skill + Your Alchemy Skill ) / 2 ).
12-Filling your bottles with water from wells & drink from kegs: This is the simplest part. You just activate the keg\well, having a bottle in your inventory to fill it. You can drink water from wells to restore some health and fatigue by activating them. The kegs get refilled with new supply after two weeks.
13-Setting campfires and making straw objects: You just activate straw, that you can find in wickwheat or saltrice bushes, or any random location. A menu pops up to give you the choices. You must have logs in your inventory to successfully set a campfire.
Everything in this mod is made according to Elder Scrolls lore, so for example you will need a daedric soul to make a daedric item, or you will be able to make wooden items from corkbulb, as it is said in the ES Codex.
I've run the mod without problems, and it does all it claims.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
- moltovir
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Have you ever played Morrowind or are you just basing your thoughts on things you heared?
In Morrowind, the basic races are Humans, Argonians, Elves and Orcs. Well, I ask, where are the Dwarves? And Gnomes? And Trolls? And all the other fantasy type Races we see in other games or movies or in a book. Dwarves would live in Gold Mines, Gnomes would live in Tree Houses and Trolls would live in Mountains.
Trolls exist in the world of Tamriel, but there's a simple reason why they didn't appear in Morrowind: they don't live there. Trolls live in the lands of Skyrim, far to the north, and in the mountains of High Rock, half a world away from Morrowind.
"We are at a very serious moment dealing with very serious issues and we are not focusing on the name you give to potatoes" - Nathalie Loisau
- cemaldonmez
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Firstly I would like to thank you, Fable, for this information. Though I don't believe mods will work on Xbox, thank you.
Secondly I would like to ask what you thought of my other ideas?
Firstly I would like to thank you, Fable, for this information. Though I don't believe mods will work on Xbox, thank you.
Secondly I would like to ask what you thought of my other ideas?
"Who you begin as, you have no choice..."
"...who you end up as however, is entirely up to you."
Ral-Jiktar (Famous Female Argonian Hero)
- cemaldonmez
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Thanks Moltavir,
Maybe I should play the entire game and read everything I can before I decide to write something like this. I am sorry if you are somehow offended in any way (if there is one).
Maybe I should play the entire game and read everything I can before I decide to write something like this. I am sorry if you are somehow offended in any way (if there is one).
"Who you begin as, you have no choice..."
"...who you end up as however, is entirely up to you."
Ral-Jiktar (Famous Female Argonian Hero)
- moltovir
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cemaldonmez: I have deleted your post in the other thread and moved the reactions here. Please don't post the same thing twice in different topics. Also, use the "edit" button at the right side of your post if you want to add a comment, instead of making a doublepost.
Np, it's just that that fact is mentioned a lot in the game, especially if you played through the main quest (which I really recommend to do, it's very nice).Thanks Moltavir,
Maybe I should play the entire game and read everything I can before I decide to write something like this. I am sorry if you are somehow offended in any way (if there is one).
"We are at a very serious moment dealing with very serious issues and we are not focusing on the name you give to potatoes" - Nathalie Loisau
- fable
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[QUOTE=cemaldonmez]Firstly I would like to thank you, Fable, for this information. Though I don't believe mods will work on Xbox, thank you.[/quote]
Unfortunately not, but as you did not specify that in your original post, I had no way of knowing. I would urge you to consider moving to the PC at least for Oblivion, given that the Morrowind modding community is already salivating in expectation of what they can do with the new scripting AI commands.
Secondly I would like to ask what you thought of my other ideas?
Riding is definitely in: you should be glad of that. Mounted combat is not, due to problems with the mechanics, but you will be able to purchase a mount and ride it.
Unfortunately not, but as you did not specify that in your original post, I had no way of knowing. I would urge you to consider moving to the PC at least for Oblivion, given that the Morrowind modding community is already salivating in expectation of what they can do with the new scripting AI commands.
Secondly I would like to ask what you thought of my other ideas?
Riding is definitely in: you should be glad of that. Mounted combat is not, due to problems with the mechanics, but you will be able to purchase a mount and ride it.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
- cemaldonmez
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More Ideas
This is the second version of my thoughts on what Oblivion should have, they are: Evil characters, Wielding two swords while mounted, Problems with Silt striders, Rolling/crouching/crawling, Gambling, Throwing long weapons and Caravans.
I have noticed that in the the Morrowind game that orcs are not the main enemies, but more of Dark elves. And worst, some of the Dark Elves are even guards. While most evil characters from other fantasy games or books, are not guards in major human cities, but they raid them. If you could, Oblivion or later games could have only evil Orcs. And Dark elves that aren't city guards, the two would most likely have villages in caves or underground areas.
I have talked of being mounted before, but the is also mounted combat. Or to make it even harder, two weapons on mounted combat. Though it would be hard to ride a horse while swinging two weapons may be hard, I find that it looked pretty real in "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King". Even though there was someone else riding at that time with her, so I guess you would need to have someone riding the horse while you are swinging two weapons while riding a creature.
Though this might not be really a major problem, or any concern to the real game, I find it hard to believe that when you hit a Silt Strider it doesn't react in any way. I mean come on, at least have it try to squish you or have it try to shake when it is attacked. Another thing with the Silt Strider is that it would be nice to see how the silt strider moves while the next area is loading.
If there will ever be a striking creature from the sky, or a thrown weapon, it would always be good to be able to roll out of the way. If there was an object to low to reach, or if you just wanted to sit down on a chair. If there will ever be a quest that needs someone to crawl through a gap, or if there was an object to go under then crawling would be your only answer. Unless you were reckless and decided to drink a shrinking potion.
I haven't played the whole game of Morrowind, nor have I played a single second of Arena or Daggerfall, but if Oblivion or later Elder Scroll games could have gambling then it would make a good money making system. If you were lucky. And it should not be easy either, or anyone would just gamble. It should be hard, rough and unpredictable. The persons own luck, no their character's luck, should be the only skills in gambling. Now I'm not just talking about gambling with cards and the sort, I mean betting on Cliff Racer Racing or Guar racing or Nix-Hound fights. Or you could enter in a horse race, or something along the lines.
Sure there are throwing daggers, or throwing stars, but where are the spears and tridents? It would seem more like fishing, and being on the point of fishing, where are the whales or sharks. I would love to have a quest on Moby... (well you know, the whale story). Imagine being on tiny ship, hunting the largest whale to swim the oceans. And another thing, why can't you ever use you own boat?
Yes, I know what you thinking. "Caravans have already been thought of many times", but I wish to discuss it yet again. Just imagine this, having a large wooden box-like shaped on four wheels with something of a roof. Filled with goodies, and people who need a ride. Pulled by either a horse or a tame Nix-hound. Or even something new, like a silt Strider. Now imagine the quests. Helping the merchant, stealing from the merchant, stealing the caravan for yourself. Or just imagine thieves stealing the caravan while you are taking a ride inside, and then opening the back and having a large problem with you. Yes there are quite a lot of ideas that come along with caravans.
This is the second version of my thoughts on what Oblivion should have, they are: Evil characters, Wielding two swords while mounted, Problems with Silt striders, Rolling/crouching/crawling, Gambling, Throwing long weapons and Caravans.
Evil characters
I have noticed that in the the Morrowind game that orcs are not the main enemies, but more of Dark elves. And worst, some of the Dark Elves are even guards. While most evil characters from other fantasy games or books, are not guards in major human cities, but they raid them. If you could, Oblivion or later games could have only evil Orcs. And Dark elves that aren't city guards, the two would most likely have villages in caves or underground areas.
Wielding two swords while mounted
I have talked of being mounted before, but the is also mounted combat. Or to make it even harder, two weapons on mounted combat. Though it would be hard to ride a horse while swinging two weapons may be hard, I find that it looked pretty real in "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King". Even though there was someone else riding at that time with her, so I guess you would need to have someone riding the horse while you are swinging two weapons while riding a creature.
Problems with Silt striders
Though this might not be really a major problem, or any concern to the real game, I find it hard to believe that when you hit a Silt Strider it doesn't react in any way. I mean come on, at least have it try to squish you or have it try to shake when it is attacked. Another thing with the Silt Strider is that it would be nice to see how the silt strider moves while the next area is loading.
If there will ever be a striking creature from the sky, or a thrown weapon, it would always be good to be able to roll out of the way. If there was an object to low to reach, or if you just wanted to sit down on a chair. If there will ever be a quest that needs someone to crawl through a gap, or if there was an object to go under then crawling would be your only answer. Unless you were reckless and decided to drink a shrinking potion.
I haven't played the whole game of Morrowind, nor have I played a single second of Arena or Daggerfall, but if Oblivion or later Elder Scroll games could have gambling then it would make a good money making system. If you were lucky. And it should not be easy either, or anyone would just gamble. It should be hard, rough and unpredictable. The persons own luck, no their character's luck, should be the only skills in gambling. Now I'm not just talking about gambling with cards and the sort, I mean betting on Cliff Racer Racing or Guar racing or Nix-Hound fights. Or you could enter in a horse race, or something along the lines.
Throwing long weapons
Sure there are throwing daggers, or throwing stars, but where are the spears and tridents? It would seem more like fishing, and being on the point of fishing, where are the whales or sharks. I would love to have a quest on Moby... (well you know, the whale story). Imagine being on tiny ship, hunting the largest whale to swim the oceans. And another thing, why can't you ever use you own boat?
Yes, I know what you thinking. "Caravans have already been thought of many times", but I wish to discuss it yet again. Just imagine this, having a large wooden box-like shaped on four wheels with something of a roof. Filled with goodies, and people who need a ride. Pulled by either a horse or a tame Nix-hound. Or even something new, like a silt Strider. Now imagine the quests. Helping the merchant, stealing from the merchant, stealing the caravan for yourself. Or just imagine thieves stealing the caravan while you are taking a ride inside, and then opening the back and having a large problem with you. Yes there are quite a lot of ideas that come along with caravans.
"Who you begin as, you have no choice..."
"...who you end up as however, is entirely up to you."
Ral-Jiktar (Famous Female Argonian Hero)
- moltovir
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Why should there be an "evil" race?
In real life there aren't "evil races" either, just good people, bad people, and somewhere in between. Why wouldn't an Orc be good or a High Elf be bad? Morrowind is not a simple fantasy game like Warcraft 3: it's a realistic world with a history, geography, habits, peoples, ... making races inherently "good" or "evil" would only make the game superficial. And if you wonder why Dark Elves are city guards in Morrowind: it's their country and their cities! Dark Elves aren't evil savages, they are a race with a civilization and a culture.
"We are at a very serious moment dealing with very serious issues and we are not focusing on the name you give to potatoes" - Nathalie Loisau
My ideas
I like the ideas of Banks, something like the House Vaults below the canton of each House in Vivec. They could maybe have a back door or the cities could have sewer systems like those in Vivec that give underground entrances to Buildings and maybe completely diferent places. I know mounted combat is out but I like the idea of taming types of animals other than just horses. Ive also read that you can buy houses (somewhat like the houses you could get in es3 when you rose to a certain rank in your House) and maybe ou could be able to hire a company to add on to your house i.e. stables guest houses maybe a race track or whatever. I also thought that maybe you can commission a smith to make you what ever weapons and armor you want (of existing types) if you have the money, unless they decide to add smithy as a skill..... il think of more later........ im hungry and also a new vers of the house of earthly delights (especially w/ 360's graphics) or resaurants and bars in which oyu can work........
I like the ideas of Banks, something like the House Vaults below the canton of each House in Vivec. They could maybe have a back door or the cities could have sewer systems like those in Vivec that give underground entrances to Buildings and maybe completely diferent places. I know mounted combat is out but I like the idea of taming types of animals other than just horses. Ive also read that you can buy houses (somewhat like the houses you could get in es3 when you rose to a certain rank in your House) and maybe ou could be able to hire a company to add on to your house i.e. stables guest houses maybe a race track or whatever. I also thought that maybe you can commission a smith to make you what ever weapons and armor you want (of existing types) if you have the money, unless they decide to add smithy as a skill..... il think of more later........ im hungry and also a new vers of the house of earthly delights (especially w/ 360's graphics) or resaurants and bars in which oyu can work........
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
- cemaldonmez
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I do see your point Moltovir, about it turning the game into another fantasy game and ruining 'Elder Scrolls'.
But then again, this section does say 'what I want outta this game.....' Though I see your point, this is what I want. Though it may not be added to the game, that was what I wanted.
But then again, this section does say 'what I want outta this game.....' Though I see your point, this is what I want. Though it may not be added to the game, that was what I wanted.
"Who you begin as, you have no choice..."
"...who you end up as however, is entirely up to you."
Ral-Jiktar (Famous Female Argonian Hero)
One thing that I noticed in morrowind that angered me was that you could not enchant arrows or bolts, I think that should be added in as well as another idea if jobs will be included:
With Radiant AI and random NPC's stelaing things you should be able to get a job as aguard/detective to track down criminals from thieves to murders, working you way through the ranks geting bigger and more difficult cases until you get up to the upper echelons of society where you maybe uncover some huge corruption in the government or something.
I also want mroe than the already promised more freeodm in making you character (in regards to appearance) how about being able to choose height and build. I have always had a morbid desire to run around tamriel as a fat midgit with a stick poking people, even fatter, taller people until they popped/died
With Radiant AI and random NPC's stelaing things you should be able to get a job as aguard/detective to track down criminals from thieves to murders, working you way through the ranks geting bigger and more difficult cases until you get up to the upper echelons of society where you maybe uncover some huge corruption in the government or something.
I also want mroe than the already promised more freeodm in making you character (in regards to appearance) how about being able to choose height and build. I have always had a morbid desire to run around tamriel as a fat midgit with a stick poking people, even fatter, taller people until they popped/died
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
- Dark-Raven
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Something i would like to see, but i dout very much will appear in many rpg games if any, Would be weather conditions and the things that go with them.
I know that the games include the graphics for rain,thunder-lightning and wind etc... but as far as i can tell it doesnt make any effect on the gameplay.
Could you imagine running running around in full plate mail armour in a thunderstorm and having a 1000000-1 chance of getting hit by lightning?
Dueling a already hard enough enemy but then it starts to rain and you start to slip over because of the mud?
Perfecting you archery shot, getting that crosshair right on the back of there head releasing your shot and missing because you havent accounted for the wind?
Its snowing and your wearing nothing but Cold steel armour and it seems you've developed a common cold! Could hinder you at sneaking if you let out a full blown Sneeze.
As i said i dout things like this would be included but i think that items like this would increase the difficulty and the realism of the game.so i hope something like this is included.
So what do you lot think about this?
I know that the games include the graphics for rain,thunder-lightning and wind etc... but as far as i can tell it doesnt make any effect on the gameplay.
Could you imagine running running around in full plate mail armour in a thunderstorm and having a 1000000-1 chance of getting hit by lightning?
Dueling a already hard enough enemy but then it starts to rain and you start to slip over because of the mud?
Perfecting you archery shot, getting that crosshair right on the back of there head releasing your shot and missing because you havent accounted for the wind?
Its snowing and your wearing nothing but Cold steel armour and it seems you've developed a common cold! Could hinder you at sneaking if you let out a full blown Sneeze.
As i said i dout things like this would be included but i think that items like this would increase the difficulty and the realism of the game.so i hope something like this is included.
So what do you lot think about this?