The person that sent the eariler message with my name was my personal sister and best friend, Keli!
Now about my original ideas for the game, Fable 2.
Fable was one of my most favorite games of all time. Seriously! I felt like I could do whatever I wanted. I had fun playing it! However, there was a couple of catches about the game itself.
First, the game was awfully short! What I wanted was maybe about way longer than 70 to 110 hours long, just like an rpg game( or have 55-70 story quests, 90 side quests, and lots of other quests.)
Second, many people wanted to have either a selection in which you either you become a male or female. What I was thinking was at the very beginning of the game, you can select your gender and you would have the main character of that gender you selected. That way, it would satisfy both guy gamers and some female gamers.
Third, while I walked around the towns and everything, I've been wondering... why can't we destroy buildings!? Think about it! If you were evil and you wanted to dominate the world, instead of the cheap way Fable did it when you earned the most powerful weapon yet everything seems normal, you would want to either force the villagers to give up their village, or... blow it up! And then force them to make them your slaves and build your own buildings like a bar, shop, or any building you want to build your own empire of Albion! Mwh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!:devil: (I just wanted to do that. Sometimes, I usually have some evil ideas. Tee hee!)
Fourth, you know the good old Arena in which you battle against monsters for your life and to earn some nice good, cold, hard cash and many other prizes? Or I would like to say in the Albion world... gold. Well, here's my question... why can you enter only once during the entire game?! Why!? It would've been a lot better if you just can enter the Arena and earn some gold as many times as you want to. Come on, man! You have the whole world for yourself! You can at least enter to any building as much as you want, any competition as many times as you want, etc.
Fifth, more selection of weapons, armor, and new equipments, shields, and capes. I heard people talking about them while looking at the forums and figured that it would be awesome. I mean come on! You only have what just a few kinds like Bright User's Will Robe, Plate Armor (my favorite), etc. Why can't we have new armor like maybe when you first start off Guild training wooden armor, or like that one guy said Magic Armor, or this one I had an idea of... Dragon Armor! Another thing, if they have legendary weapons like the Harbinger, Skrom's Bow, and finally my personal favorite, the Sword of Aeons, why can't we have legendary armor or shields or capes? Speaking of weapons, I also heard that they want more weapon varieties, so I would have to go with them. Swords are my favorite, but I figured that trying out new weapons wouldn't be a bad idea. Like, if Whisper had a spear, how come we can't? Huh? If Thunder had a shield, how come we can't have shields during the game? That's just not right! Now, some people said they wanted to have dual weapons. I figured it would be cool, but there may be some catches about it. But I guess it's a game of whatever you want to do, so be my guest! Capes would look awesome on the hero. Seriously! Why couldn't they come up with it in the first place? Oh yeah, some special armor, weapons, shields, or capes may have special effects on you when you put them on. Another thing (sorry for making this part so long), why can't you sell what ever weapon, armor, and all that in shops? It's a free world, isn't it?
Sixth, lots and lots and lots of monsters to fight against. The monsters in Fable were pretty fun to kill, especially the White Balverine! But, you know, they need to add more monsters in it. Have all of the monsters from the first Fable come in and just add like 100 new types of monsters. It'll make things more challenging and more fun!!!
Seventh, more, bigger, harder, and better bosses! The bosses in Fable were pretty good, but I think they can do a lot better than that if you know what I mean. I liked the Kraken boss in Fable. That should be one of the bosses in there. Also, have some new bosses in the game like 25 bosses or if you like have close to every story quest to have a boss to fight against.
Eighth, let me put this in simple words... can't the hero talk more than a couple words. Seriously! I think it would need a voice.
Nineth, instead of having like just a simple path that leads to a certain place, they need to try to make it like that one guy saids like Grand Theft Auto series. I mean you can have pathways to places, but they just need to be a little bigger to travel, you know? That way we would have more excitment in the game. Like maybe they should have the option in which you can camp anywhere you want when you want to rest for today. You just might need a tent. Hopefully, they do come up with the tent idea of what I just said.
Tenth, my cousin didn't like rpg games that much. But man thanks to me, he definitely loves playing Fable! He loves to destroy stuff and everything. So obiviously, that's his favorite rpg game so far. Anyway, my point is, one of his favorite things to do was fishing. I like the fishing game play and all. It's just... why can't the fish look more like Large mouth bass or catfish or trouts. Come on! They look like goldfish (That's what my cousin always said). Oh yeah, I figured if you can fish, why can't you hunt oridinary game like deer, elk, etc? I figured it would be a fun activity to do during the game while you're not doing anything.
Well, I guess that's it for today. I discuss the rest tommorrow! Until then, see yeah!