Initially I didn't mind the idea of ratings, but I've since revised my opinion.
I certainly don't mind people contradicting me when I voice opinions--hell, that's how I've molded my own opinions, in part, over time: by being corrected, or at least by hearing the views of others who have different life experiences. I didn't even mind very much when someone accused me of trying to silence opposition in one topic, because I dared to disagree with the prevailing judgement on Tolkien--heh, this guy wanted to silence me.
What I dislike intensely is that I can spend a reasonable amount of time expressing a thoughtful opinion, only to have any Joe Anonymous take offense, and rate me down. It just happened again, today. Somebody knocked down my rating by something like .40 with a single vote. And by nature I'm not offensive, impolite, or rude; just someone who enjoys discussion, and likes putting facts out on the table for conversation.
But I made two mistakes in the BG2 forum. Here they are:
I wrote that Tolkien had virtually no influence on fantasy until roughly 1975 or so, and mentioned a lot of fantasy novels that demonstrated this. I didn't scream this, or vent sarcasm over it. But I stated it.
And I've been discussing and to an extent disagreeing with the concept that matriarchal societies always proceed patriarchal ones.
That's the extent of my sins. For that, my rating is somewhere around 3.8, and heading doooown.
It's not the ratings in themselves that bother me, but the fact that anybody should take great enough offense at something I've written in a forum meant for discussion to actually give me a "1" or "2" star rating. That's the kind of thing I'd reserve for a person who jumps in out of nowhere and starts verbally abusing folks. Clearly, I've got different standards about what ratings mean, at least from some posters.
But other people, looking in, are going to see a 3 or 4 star rating on me and wonder, "What the hell is wrong with this guy?" And some folks are clearly using ratings to punish. Some joker even sent me email (with an address I couldn't trace) saying he belonged to a group of folks who hate longwinded posts by people who "thought they were better than everybody else cause they write good," and that I was going to get 1 star from all of 'em. Now, I've never criticized anybody for their use of language (which is bad form especially on an international board), but that kind of thing doesn't exactly make me feel that ratings work well.
Buck, this is a great board. But I have to say, I think ratings are not working out too well. Just my POV. And I'm seriously considering dropping all postings outside SYM (Speak Your own Mind) categories, just out of frustration.
[ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: fable ]