This weekend I bought and installed Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition. I had been playing Morrowind for a long time, and I have to say... it is such a huge relief to be able to play a game at full graphic capability without it stuttering, slowing and grinding to a halt approximately every 30 minutes. Not to mention the wonderful lack of FPS problems, and exhaustive load times.
Now, granted, I run a lot of (in my opinion, necessary) mods in order to make MW interesting to play. But, even before I started to install mods I found the game ran slowly on my machine.
Clearly, the graphics of Morrowind are more attractive than those of NWN, but are they truly necessary? I mean, MW and NWN came out at approximately the same time. My computer runs the latter flawlessly at the highest settings, I can't say the same for MW.
What on earth was Bethesda thinking? And what kind of machine were they testing Morrowind on during game creation? When you consider that even really high end computers had trouble with Morrowind when it came out, and players had to tweak the .ini file (amongst other things), it just boggles the mind....
To my mind there is something seriously wrong with this. Why should gamers who have bought a computer within two years of a title coming out be required to go out and purchase a new machine simply to display pretty graphics? And how many actually do?
Though admittedly, I'm a hard sell, and even if I had the cash, I would flatly refuse to run off and buy a new computer just to play a game, especially if the one I had was less than two years old.
While I'm talking here about Morrowind and Neverwinter Nights, to bring this into the present, I strongly suspect that we'll see similar comparisons drawn between NWN 2 and Oblivion.
Sure, shiny graphics are very nice, but to me they are, at most, a tertiary priority.
But, Bethsoft is not the only gaming company guilty of excessive, resource hogging publications, Gothic 3 looks like it will be taxing on many systems as well. And, no doubt there are more...
I don't have a problem with the fact that technology changes, and that gaming graphics change with it and because of it. But, I do have a problem with the fact that companies such as Bethesda feel the need to cater to those with the very best machines available.
I hope it is not just me who feels so frustrated with this issue...
And, I also hope it isn't just me who does not *need* to have pretty graphics for enjoyable game play. If the story is immersive and well written, my imagination can fill in the blanks. I don't need to be able to see the inner nose hairs of the monsters I'm fighting in order to get excited about a game.
Thoughts on any of the above?