Tricky wrote:Well I finally think I might be getting somewhere. This night I re-rolled the Warlock pseudo shapeshifter I talked about. Human, Will 18 and Charisma 18. I'm not picking up any blast shapes, just invocation spells. She couldn't hit an ogre if it sat right on top of her reading a newspaper, but she has a foul temper and a mouth to go with it. Combat sucks, but I have something to look foward to.
I think I'll stop taking warlock levels after I get the first 4th invocation (word of changing). Should be around level 17, which means I might yet multiclass for three levels. Anything worth dabbling into that could benefit my monster form?
Seems like a waste of 16 levels to me personally. I cheated my way to a 20th level Warlock and picked that invocation you want. Nice adorable demon with high Str, Con and Dex, SR and regeneration with claws and teeth. However, if you went for a sorcerer or wizard, you could gain the Shapechange Spell, which I believe allows you to transform into a Balor or Red Dragon. It would allow you to also have blasting spells and buff spells as well.
Picking a caster class simply for one spell/ability is a wretched waste if you need to blow 17 levels to get that one spell. To be brutally honest, no matter what you do with that build, I could do better with a warlock that is built differently, or a fighter, or a wizard. It will be hellish on you surviving the whole game to get up to 16th level when you get access to that invocation as well.
However, if you are truly set on doing this, I have a suggestion. Using the Leaps and Bounds and Dark Ones Luck before Word of Changing, the attribute and save bonuses stacked with the shape-change. I would suggest taking 3 levels of the following given this:
Monk: Fast Movement, free Cleave feat, Evasion, Wis Bonus to AC. Take these three first off for ease of use when playing. The AC bonus alone is worth it, rather than as your 17th level.
Rogue: Evasion and +2d6 Sneak attack might be worthwhile for you. Especially when trying to work out a way to survive with crappy stats through the game in all but Wis and Cha. With a crappy Dex, this is nearly worthless however.
Cleric: A few spells to heal yourself, armor feats so you can take Battle Caster feat and wear Mithril full plate later without caster failure. A 3rd level cleric with 18 Wis and the Healing Domain (special ability Empower Heal Spells, Cure Serious wounds as 2nd level spell) can cure quite a bit of damage if all of the spells are spent as Cure Light Wounds (1d8+Caster Level) and Cure Serious (3d8+Caster level) wounds on the spell list. You should get 4 1st level and 3 2nd level spells, meaning 4d8+12 x 1.5 HP {42 total on average} from 1st level spells and 9d8+9 x 1.5 {68 on average}. A total average of 110 HP with just 3 caster levels, 18 Wisdom and the Heal domain. This may very well be your best bet if you don't want to go monk.
Barbarian: 3d12 HP, +3 BAB to bring you to 4 attacks/rd by 20th level, Fast Movement, Rage bonuses and Uncanny Dodge.