1) I let Aerie cast "Finger of death" on Renal while my character (Wolf, half-orc, fighter-thief, BoS) stood next to him. The other two members of my party waited by the door.
2) When Renal was killed, I paused, picked up Renals loot with my PC, and ran for the door with my entire party. Arkanis showed up and followed us.
3) Once outside the door (the door leading out to the Docks, not the ground-floor of the Thieves Guild that is) two of my partymembers were killed, and Arkanis went after my PC. I the used Ring of Gaxx to hasten myself and so the chase began. I ran down the stairs passing the Sea's Bounty to Mae-Var's Guildhall and the up the wooden stairs and into the room where you met Edwin. When I entered Edwins room I had lost Arkanis, but when I went down the stairs into the room with all the doors, he showed up there. I then sped down the second flight of stairs into the ground floor of Mae-Var's Guildhall, and out onto the Docks, and what do you know? Arkanis never exited the Guildhall. I saved just to enter the Guildhall again and see that he was still there (I didn't want him popping up whenever I entered the Docks District), and yup, he was still there. Man it feels good to finally beat that guy!
I don't know if this strategy worked because of some bug, or if I was just plain lucky, but try it and post your result here (I'm curious)!