Thanks mates
Also what is a good way to start making money?
Training is quite easy.. just kill everything that is bad.. leave the area.. come back in the area.. and you can kill everything all over again... keep doing this.. again.. again.. and again... and again... and when you have enough xp, go raise some skill / spellA L E X wrote:Hello, I just bought Fable: TLC. I am little confused about where to start training, my friend told me to just raise strength right now. I have full black leather and steel longsword. I have done a few quests. Please help me where to start training, I am lost!
Thanks mates.
Also what is a good way to start making money?
I do agree with you about not maxing out range as I also find it useless as well. I played this game twice (and no, I'm not going to play it again) and I rarely used the bow unless if I fight against Pixies and want to get headshots. Most of the time, I always use magic and melee attacks.A L E X wrote:Yes, I have learned much more about how to level and such. I plan to max all skills not including range because i personally find it useless. If you need to stand away you can use mage and close combat is melee.
This is one of the wisest things that can B said about developing yourself in a game.... eventhoug i am gobbled up by WoW right now i reconed that even there diffrence makes a big point.... If you are a rampager go for the way of the sword.... fairly hard hits and less damage.....Berethor wrote: So you could use my strategy, but it's best to blaze your own trail. Just review each of the abilities and see which ones appeal to you.