Curiosity made me wonder as to how many of each major religion we may have on the board. So, I'm making a poll. I know there has been a similar topic here, but no poll involved as a kind of statistic type thing, which is my point with this. Also, that thread was made way back 5 years ago, and well, most of the members who posted there are no longer here. I figured it best to start fresh, but if I am wrong in that, perhaps there is a way of adding a poll function to the old thread?
Anyhow, I was wondering if you folks might pick your religion of choice in the poll. Feel free to describe it. If you pick "other" becuase your choice isn't on the list, I would appreciate if you gave a simple description. I don't need a book, just a few sentances would do. If you want to share more, that'd be nice too.
I don't want this to turn into a debate of any kind, as it is simply a "what do you believe in" thing. Not "you should/shouldn't believe in" type thing.
*sighs* I know, I screwed up the title. I went crazy with the delete key and went too far when I redid it.