Your question (what is the best "story" party) maybe pertains to both BG1 & BG2? (Your english is fine, btw.) Assuming it does:
I've heard Khalid & Jaheira, Minsc & Dynaheir, and Imoen often referred to as the "official" BG1 party, mainly because of how the story in BG2 begins. And if you level & dual Imoen in BG1 to match how she starts in BG2, then you'd have a couple tanks, a couple wizard spellcasters, a divine spellcaster, and someone to handle locks & traps. This would allow your main dude to be whatever you wanted, and still have nice party balance.
In BG2, most of the NPC's have a dedicated side quest (i.e. a quest that can only start & complete if the character is in the party for a stretch of time), and/or a corresponding quest (i.e. a quest that pertains to the character, with the character adding relevant banter, but otherwise can be started & completed without the character).
With this being said, my main BG2 party was Keldorn, Minsc, Jaheira, Aerie, and Yoshimo/Imoen. But, for small stretched of time I would rotate each one with another NPC to complete their dedicated and/or corresponding quest. Now, some NPC quests don't pop up until they've been in the party for several game-days, and you can't see everything in one playthrough, but this helps maximize what you do see.
Raven_Song wrote:You might benefit from the NPC Interaction Guide from over at Sorcerers Place. While I don't recommend that you read it exhaustively (it lists most banters word for word) it does prove useful in seeing who interacts with who the most.
I second this recommendation, except it's such a good read, it's hard not to be spoiled. But knowing what I know now, certain pairs of NPC's have alot to say when together in the same party. Some examples:
- Aerie & Haer'Dalis (especially if you romance Aerie)
- Anomen & Keldorn
- Mazzy & Korgan
- Jan & Anyone
When determining your main BG2 party: if you're gonna have one, you'll get alot more outta them if you've got the other, too.
Other thoughts:
Imoen relates to your main story the most of any NPC (as does this one guy that you meet in Throne of Bhaal).
Jaheira has one of the most intricate & rewarding (& buggy) side quests of any NPC. And she seemed to me to have the most to say about different events throughout the game.
If you like character dramas, take Yoshimo with you from Chapter 3 on.