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Lost at the Starting Gate

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Lost at the Starting Gate

Post by taphappy »

Just finished KOTOR. I used the resources on the site here to get around, it was awesome. Little tables for class levelling information, great walkthrough.

I've been plodding around for hours on this site and in this forum (since everywhere else is ripe with spoilers), looking for information to help me figure out how to simply start out. I've gotten so confused by everybody's differing opinions and random microspecific data, now I'm just sitting at my computer, deer-in-headlights style.

How did you guys get all this information that you have? I still have no real idea if the basic classes level the same from KOTOR I to II, not to mention the Jedi classes, then the NEW classes...where are the stats?

You guys know the game inside out. Are there some non-spoiler resources out there where a noob could read up? Or somebody got a secret PDF they can email me?

Ze password is La Resistance. Secret handshake? I got soul.

Help? :)

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Post by walterd140 »

Hi Tap & welcome to the best resourse for KOTOR2. I'm glad to hear you finished the game & had fun.
I am a KOTOR die hard fan & was confused as well after my 1st completion of 2, but after 20+ times going through & trying different things, I still find little things here & there. So don't feel bad because your staring at the monitor saying "What the heck just happened?"
If you go to the walkthrough on this site, you will see to the far left different classes, weapons, armor, force powers to look into. Those pages there are a good start for your questions with no spoilers, just info.
Another is the actual book that came with the game, but it is limited in info, just the facts there.
You could also run a search of the message boards, but know it is limited as to the characters. You cannot look up "Lab", you need "Laboratory Station" (3 letter words are overlooked due to 'and' 'for' 'die', etc.) Search may yield spoilers as well. The Moderaters are pretty good at getting the word "SPOLIERS" in the main title, so if you see that, one is in there.

Other then that, just play again..., and again, and again, until the wife threatens to yank the cord out of the wall, not that I am speaking from experience..... no, not me. I used Force Ignore on her :)

Good luck & keep posting / visiting
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Post by taphappy »


Heh, thanks! Good to know I'm not the only one :)

On the KOTOR site, it has the classes on the left. Here, ( all I get under Character Information is:

Character Information:
* NPCs (spoilers, haven't looked)
* Attributes (cursory information)
* Skills (in-game info)
* Feats (in-game info)
* Force Powers (ditto)
* Alignment Charts (actually nice)

And they seem to be the only options, regardless of what I click on (walkthrough, strat guide, introduction, etc - I've clicked on everything I can think of), classes don't pop up. Am I blind? :)

And don't have the booklet. Used game. bleh.

So far, I made a Soldier/Guardian (wanted feats, then go JM for force later?):

STR > 10
DEX > 14
CON > 14
INT > 12
WIS > 14
CHA > 14

Still not sure about int (initial skills) vs wis (handmaiden def bonus - dialog?) vs cha (persuade), which one actually effects dialogue options the most, which is more important to start with. Then there's Guardian vs Sentinel vs Consular...then on to the new prestige classes...agh :)

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Post by mr_sir »

Pretty much any build seems to work well. The persuade skill is nice to have just to save cash if nothing else lol. Also, don't worry too much about skills. You pick up enough NPCs throughout the game to make it not too much of an issue. If you want force points then I'd go for a bit of extra wisdom, if you want to fight without too much use of the force, go for strength and dexterity.

Did you get a manual with the game? I found out everything I needed to know about the classes and prestige classes from that. Also, search for character builds in this forum and I'm sure you'll come across some threads which may help you with your build.

I'm currently playing through Kotor2 again after a year long break from it and I've gone for a consular who relies heavily on the force so I've given her wisdom 14 initially, Charisma 12, constitution 14, Strength 8 and the rest in dexterity. Remember that every 4 levels you get another attribute point to spend which comes in handy. Jedi Masters are similar to consulars so I imagine a similar build would work for them, but if you want to start off as a guardian then I would be inclined to leave wisdom quite low and boost strength instead, then spend the extra points from every 4 levels to boost things like wisdom ready for when you can become a master at level 15. Also, implants depend on your level of constitution in Kotor2 so bear in mind that with a constitution of, say 12 or 14, you will be limited as to what implants you can actually use.

Hope this helps a bit.
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Post by taphappy »

While I do know the skills aren't really needed...on Pegasus level, running around solo, and seeing all the different conversation options, I'm already wanting that 14! And, I've heard numerous reports that the xbox version is bugged in some way, making workbenches only functional off your main character's stats. Which would suck. I don't have xbox live for the updates. eh.

oo, but my godbrother does. :)

Persuade's alive and kicking. Didn't have enough on KOTOR, I was conversationally useless until later on with Force Persuade.

I'm not particularly worried about strength, as I'm gonna go with the lightsaber/melee finesse, and the (spoiler) *COU
GH*, see how that works out.

So, pretty much, trying to build a dude who can hack and dodge his way through the beginning, get everywhere he needs to, still get all the plot points and cool conversation, and mightily hack/force his way through the end! go Cha 12 initially? Wasn't sure how much that effected conversation options or Persuade. Can always bump up Persuade with the extra skill points from 14 Int, or is that route inadvisable...?

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Post by mr_sir »

I normally just boost my persuade skill rather than use attribute points on charisma as I prefer to use wisdom for the force because that boosts willpower saves too.
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Post by taphappy »

oo. Ok! Think I'll reroll with Cha 12, Int 14. Noice. Thanks, man :)

Can't find anything on Xbox's live site that says they have anything for KOTOR 2. Anybody know differently, or is PC the only thing with patches (looks like the only patch is for a swoop bike race issue for PC, but hey).

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Post by mr_sir »

I use pc and just get stuff from the TSL Restoration project site but thats just for pc only. I don't think there are mods and stuff for the xbox version - I haven't heard of any anyway :confused:
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Post by walterd140 »

Since you put it that way Tap, I usually want to get through the 1st part (Peragus) with as much skin left on me. I find boosting strength to do damage & dexterity to avoid getting hit helps. Would not worry much about charisma (It does not mean you look like Yoda if you have a 5 here, just means people think you act like Jabba). Wisdom helps later in the game, but not in the robot infested bowels of the start. Constitution is another hit or miss. I tend to start above 10 on that.

STR > 10
DEX > 14
CON > 14
INT > 12
WIS > 14
CHA > 14

This is not a bad start, but you say you want to hack & slash. I would switch Charisma & strength. Drop a point in wisdom & add it to strength
STR 15
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 13
Cha 10

I believe this would satisfy your taste.

Implants? Some say a waste of time, I like the huge ones, so you will eventually need 16 or better of con to get the good ones. This will let you have them in about 8 levels (they go fast in the beginning, so dump your points in con the 1st few times). Then get your str around 18 for mega bonus damage. After a while, bring Int to around 14, dex to 15, wis to 14. You will be pretty impressed with your lightsaber / jedi powers by then.

Don't know how or what an xbox update looks like (PC here), so I cannot offer any help there.

For Classes, your almost there. try this
Then on the left side select Stradegy Guides
Then on the right select the class your intrested in under Character Developement

Now just click on the different classes to see what they are. This is on the right hand side of the screen by the way.

Quote TAPHAPPY: Heh, thanks! Good to know I'm not the only one :)
My wife wants to yank your power cord out of the wall too? :)

Hope this helps more then hurts
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Post by taphappy »

Hmmm. Might try that on next reroll :)

The guy I played in KOTOR was the "super hero" template from the site. 16/16/16/8/8/8 - everything into STR. Master Speed. Crit Strike. Single Saber. Dominator Guantlets and that +2 str belt. Ended up with STR 28, AB+9.

KOTOR I spoiler(highlight)
At the end, was hitting Malak twice, he'd run off to zuck on another dead Jedi.

Whakwhak. Zuck. Whakwhak. Zuck. Whakwhak. Monologuing. Zuck. etc.
But, INT didn't do much for the story in that one.

Already got through Peragus, never even needed to heal. Only attribute I've boosted is Int to 16. I'm lvl 8, tanked him up pretty seriously on skills, gonna see exactly how bad this effects me come endgame needing STR - but on Peragus, there was only one damaged container I couldn't get into - didn't have Demo at 1. oops. Got it to 3 to build computer spikes, just in case. See if that's even needed.

Workbench is so cool. And the high INT seems to give me lots of conversational options, which I was going for.

Now, gonna pump up CON to 16 for implants, WIS later? Not there yet, haven't figured it out - reportedly there are some nice STR items, see how that works out. Any suggestions on that?

What I've been looking for is like this: ... ardian.php

Most of the links on the KotorII site aren't terribly descript, or nothing's been submitted. Hence the confusion...found a text walkthrough with 'em, but don't know if they're accurate.

Anyhoo, best of luck with the wife, man! I find a liberal use of duct tape can help in such matters, they eventually get frustrated and walk away :)

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Post by walterd140 »

Well I believe you reached the end of the internet with that info. Don't forget this game is like 3 years old & the resources out there are getting thin. But I still say this board with a search will guide you to the answers you seek. Alas, there are members here that are VERY helpful, so put up a post or 2. You will be suprised by the response.

Good luck with your quest.

PS: Did the duct tape thing. Tied myself to the chair & mouse, but she still insisted that I go upstairs to visit the in-laws (I call them the outlaws. Wait, that is not a good way to describe her family.... outlaws are wanted :)

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Post by taphappy »

Ohhh man....that was bad. Heheh.

Well, okay then. Think I'll post what I have in a thread, see if I can get 'em verified, then put 'em on the kotorii page so no poor soul e'er be lost like I was. arr.

Thanks for all the help, guys! :)
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Post by DarthMalevolent »

The Gamebanshee walkthrough is pretty comprehensive: ... hrough.php

As far as character classes go, I like/use your idea quite a bit for the game - I start out as a Guardian, pump up all the relevant stats/feats for Guardian, then switch to Jedi Master. You retain the light side/dark side mastery bonus for your first class, then add a new one for your Prestige class, so a Guardian/Master combo works very well.

The first time I played the game though I went Guardian/Weaponmaster, and TBH, the combat was so ridiculously easy for the endgame that it was boring.

If your'e ever up for a challenge try a Consular/Master - the beginning of the game is very difficult with Consular as their combat skills kind of suck, and their force power are only so-so... but by the endgame, you can force power your way through some heavy duty opposition and it's quite entertaining. :D
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Post by taphappy »

Ooh...I'm almost 15, good info. Didn't know you retained them. sweet... :)
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