Character 1:
Male Drow Fighter4/Rogue3/Barbarian3/Wizard20 (Currently Rogue 2/Barbarian1/Fighter2)
This is a clone of the character #1 presented in the UPP stickied here. I modified the stats a little bit, starting with a higher INT (I figured that since I would need to improve it anyway, I may as well get the extra skill points), and dropped the starting STR. I love the idea of a character who is a tank in normal mode, and becomes a great wizard in HoF.
Character 2:
Female Drow Monk2/Rogue1/Fighter2/Ranger1/Transmuter5/Dreadmaster19 (Currently Monk2/Rogue1/Ranger1/Dreadmaster1)
This character is very similar to the character #2 in the UPP stickied here. I modified the stats a bit, and decided to dip into a few more classes, but at a lower level. This will allow a better spellcaster in the end. Since the specialist wizard's restricted school limitation is lifted for a character with levels in another spellcasting class, I thought the Transmuter to be a wonderful option, since they have a chance for a little bonus later on.
Character 3:
Aasimar Paladin2/MorninglordX (Currently Paladin2/Morninglord3)
This character is similar to the character #3 presented in the UPP here, except I chose a different deity for the cleric class. I like the idea of more of a spellcasting cleric, and Morninglords have great damage potential with their domain spells. Since heavy armor can be a real drag in the late stages, I might sprinkle in a few levels of Fighter and one of each Monk and Ranger very late in HoF (I know I'd be getting heavy XP penalties).
Character 4:
Aasimar Paladin2(or 3)/SorcererX (Currently Sorcerer5)
This is my bomber. This character will take his Paladin levels after he's learned Fireball. I'm dissapointed that I've started the Goblin Warrens (I'm actually about to enter) and he hasn't reached level 6 yet.
The four characters above I consider my "main characters." I wanted them to get a little XP boost over my "supporting cast" so I had them do the Prologue without the following two.
Character 5:
Deep Gnome Rogue2/IllusionistX (Currently Rogue 1/Illusionist2)
This is my thief. His job is to handle all of the locks and traps in the game, as well as identify all of the magical items I come across. I'll take that second Rogue level after my INT has gone up to 20 (more skills that way). I'm also considering adding a third Rogue level, and possibly sprinkling in some other classes, like a level of Cleric late (does that specialist wizard trick work if your WIS is too low to cast spells?), a level of Bard (to sing while not casting, or even some Fighter/Ranger/Barbarian levels to help out if this guy is cornered. If I do choose to sprinkle those classes in, it'll only be after reaching 20th level as an Illusionist. Edit: since this is total powergaming, I decided to add a level of Banite cleric in here. I'll get the WIS bonus twice, increasing my saving throws a lot, and allowing me to cast all arcane spells as well.
Character 6:
Male Drow Bard 11/Druid 19 (Currently Bard 4)
This is my real support guy. He's the diplomat of the group, maxing out all of the "talky skills" as I like to call them. His job is to sit there and sing, and with Lingering Song fire a few arrows or even cast a spell when the songs are active. I plan on advancing him to Bard 11, then squatting until I can get Druid 10, to lessen the XP penalties. From there, it's advancement as usual, with disregard to the XP penalties he's bound to get. Again, he's a support character who doesn't go near combat, so what's the big deal? I'm also considering going Bard 12/Druid 18, since his Saves will be slightly better, but I'm not sure.
I like this party a lot, because I don't have to really squat to make the party good. They're all races with an ECL penalty, so I should be a few levels lower than any challenge anyway. The characters who will get an XP penalty might get them very later in normal mode, but probably not until HoF mode, where I don't think it'll matter as much anyway.
Any tweaks I could make are greatly appreciated, as are comments (good or bad). I'm having a lot of fun so far, which is really the point when all is said and done.