Here is my difficulty; when I first arrive at the Athlaka Slums, I'm approached by Gaelan Bayle (spelling?), with an offer to join the thieves (or at least be associated with them in some manner; the 20,000 gold pieces for information and all). No matter what choices I make in the conversation, I still end up making the deal with him (and thus starting chapter 2).
Does this choice prevent one from joining with the vampires at this early stage? I never brought him any money, though I did gain access to the Shadow Thieves Guild, and could collect some quests there.
Is it even possible to NOT have that conversation with Bayle? The reason I ask this is because I never seemed to get any messenger from Bodhi (though I did stumbled upon some vampires at night time once in a while; they did not hurt me and said I still had a choice...)
In short, when does it become impossible to side with Bodhi at this point? (which is what I want, to be sure...As I recall, one does get the opportunity to kill the vampires in chapter 6 or so anyway...)
First post by the way, so please be nice