I was innocently wandering around from Balmora (is this how it is spelt?) to Seyda Neen when i saw a thing that looks like a pterodactyll flying overhead. I decided to risk running underneath it but it attacked me. I carried on running, in the vain hope that it would leave me, but it was joined by another one! I took shelter in some random ancestral tomb, where the screen went red, but when i exited they attacked me again. I cannot kill them as I have no ranged equipment and my fire bite spell doesn't seem to work on them. I am worried that they will follow me all over Vvardenfell if I don't kill them, which I can't. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!
Here is some info about my character if it helps:
-i play on pc
-i am level 1
-i have bonemold armour
-i have a nordic claymore
-i have no ranged equipment
-i only have 1 destructive spell-fire bite
-my other spells are healing ones
-i am running out of health potions---FAST!
Any help would be greatly apprieciated.